Monday, December 26, 2022

Revisiting Dallas

I've actually not yet been to Dallas, nor toured the museum (obviously).  Is that buckyball still there, looking down on Dealy Plaza?

However, I did budget myself permission to dive in to three conspiracy theories at a time, bouncing around between them, and not all three slots had to be occupied.  I picked two of the most obvious:  JFK and 911.

Regarding the JFK one, we may be coming to the end of the road, as the truth that Oswald was deep in the deep state, an operative, is now finally becoming mainstream.  The as-yet-unborn (when it happened) have wanted their due by law:  "we don't care, just tell us, OK we thought so" is kind of how it's going.

Of course they do care on some level, just as they care about a government that has back door (behind the scenes) access to Twitter.  It'd be better to have a more even playing field, with law enforcement being more public and obvious about its objections, going after Tweeters that broke some real law, not some ad hoc "community standard" cobbled together by corporate dweebs, and without taking unfair advantage.  

We know a lot of them would like to shell us, out here in the American Donbass, where we freely play by our own rules.  They already dispatched Border Patrol under the last crook.  They seem to hate Portlandia for some reason.

I've come at the story through Kerry Thornley, a Discordian and friend of Oswald's, although not an associate or co-conspirator.  According to Jim Garrison and others, he typified the Oswald type in some degree:  unafraid of the establishment because able to navigate it.  Only to a point though.  We see what happened to Oswald.

Kerry gets me thinking of the Laurel Canyon generation, circa The Doors and Frank Zappa.  A lot of these kids were refugees from military-industrial nuclear families back east, and as such were unafraid of authority, having sprung from the same matrix.  I'd put Tucker Carlson in the same boat:  a privileged dog, never beaten.

These parents were not that tyrannical, I report from experience.  Curtis Yarvin had a similar upbringing I think, another egg hatched in the church incubator.  It's more an "elitist" than a "working class" mentality.

In interviews with Kerry as an old man with nothing to hide, he revealed what today sounds like shocking anti-Kennedy rhetoric.  That hatred for the Irish Mafia (a term of endearment) was deep seated, and tour guides such as Colonel Fletcher Prouty (Oliver Stone's "Man X") tried hard to tell us why.  It's a psychological tale, and those aren't always the easiest to communicate.

Scholars have traced Lee's final attempt to make a phone call, from prison, we think to someone familiar with his long career as an intelligence community asset.  He had not "defected" to Russia so much as he was transplanted, with authorization.  More, he had proved his immunity to either side's propaganda, which made him seem dangerous.  

I see no evidence he was the shooter though, or even one of them.  He and Jack Ruby came from the same underworld, a world scrubbed from the narrative by the Warren Commission, mostly because the American public was not sophisticated enough to appreciate the criminal element.  They hadn't yet seen Breaking Bad and like that.

My view is not fringe or marginal in light of recent declassifications and pundit banter.  I'm hiding out in the crowd with these views, as a blogger, not "in the closet" nor with any need to be.  I'm not suddenly "a subversive" because I've been caught promoting mainstream views.

Saturday, December 24, 2022

Synergetics: An Onboarding for Russians

"Onboarding or organizational socialization is the mechanism through which new employees acquire the necessary knowledge, skills, and behaviors in order to become effective organizational members and insiders." -- Wikipedia

What I bring up in the video above, is the power that Computer World has manifested, in terms of coming up with viable subcultures that bring people together on the basis of shared artifacts, such as numpy in my case.

Where I'm likely to cross paths with Russians, Ukrainians, Lithuanians and other eastern states, is in the context of an OSCON, here in Portland, perhaps at an Nginx booth.  OK, so Nginx was bought out by a Silicon Forest company.  Not every Russian knows that.

Ergo, with these channels already open, and with a vital home grown philosophy already frequenting these channels, a basis for opening communications seems in the cards.  From my point of view, it's about content.  Do we want to debate as if we were neocons?  I don't.  I'm not interested in defending NATO or whatever.  Our family worked with Libya after all.

Given the internet is still working, giving me a working group (M4W) in Lithuania (hello Vilnius), I'm confidant we'll be making more headway in the months ahead.  We don't have to wait for a next in-person OSCON or Pycon, to get more balls rolling.  I envision a coding school co-venture, with Silicon Forest participation.

Tuesday, December 20, 2022


Faux Cyrillic

The world seems pretty confused about the crypto currency craze.  The impulse to create currency is not new.  People do not always want to scrape and save to build reserves of someone else's unit of value.  A big part of a token's worth is its exchangeability, meaning merchants accept it for their own reserves.

In Critical Path, the Bucky Fuller opus, we have coinage backed not by gold, but by cattle.  This crescent shaped coin was likely wearable, like a bracelet.  Every bracelet might represent so many head.   If I'm able to redeem my bracelets for cattle, then I might exchange them for something else, worth as much as that cattle.

I've been looking at crypto in connection with arcade games, the winning of which relates to control over allocation.  The hero has a profile, of championing causes.  Win a game, donate the tokens.  How do these tokens translate to "real" currency?  How does "real" currency translate into milk, butter and burritos?

If I'm able to exchange token X for a burrito, and if a burrito is worth $10, then by the transitive law, a token is worth about $10.

Do food truck merchants have a way to accept crypto?  I'll gladly pay $12 to get a fresh new crypto wallet on my phone, and then use $10 of that to buy a burrito with it, using transaction infrastructure.

Over on FSI, I pointed out to our resident tetrahelix expert, that a so-called blockchain, such as what Bitcoin uses, could easily be graphically represented as a growing tetrahelix.  

Each block in the blockchain is a regular tetrahedron.  Successive blocks, each containing records of transactions, bond face-wise to continue the blockchain spiral.  

That image might be a part of some wicked cool marketing, for some "beyond the cube" blockchainers.  We're watching the space.

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Blue House News

Carol Meets Sydney

The big news, of course, is the dog:  Sydney.  Our extended family up north dropped her off on extended loan, a Christmas present for Carol, who has been asking for a canine companion.  She joined us yesterday and has been adorable ever since. 

Just now, I "he manned" it through the briar patch, the side yard, to prove I could win against brambles and reach the gate, and close it.  We don't want Sydney wandering off.  I have a driveway gate also, to guard visitors from the vicious dogs.

In other news, I've jumped back into curriculum development and testing.  By testing I mean practicing, as when doctors and lawyers "practice".  One may become "practiced" (experienced) but these professions stay in practicum mode, not claiming higher seniority than "practitioner".  

Come to think of it, "practitioner" is akin to "professor".  The former practices something, say an art, or over the road trucking (OTR type, meaning in contrast to in-city delivery and so on).  The latter "professes" about something, i.e. lectures.  We've all seen the "chalk and talk" genre, unlikely to disappear, but getting more competition.  Sir Roger Penrose likes using transparencies, with an overhead projector.

The testing materials are not by me, primarily, but are secondarily.  I'm getting the synthesis and branding from a track curator closer to Istanbul (Byzantium), with a local version on Github I'm free to modify and expand.  

For example, I added a module this morning, which is supposed to brute force recurse a solution to a 9x9 sudoku, meaning generate a solved one from a pseudo-random seed.  If it won't solve, try a new seeds.  It'll take thousands of attempts and take up to 25 seconds to get one.  All in Python, using numpy, which is the main point (to show numpy in action).

I'm still coming up to speed on sudoku though.  For example, how do I know a given puzzle has only one solution?  Do a simply try to solve it several times and see if all answers are equivalent.  That's mean putting more randomization into the algorithm I'm using now.

Zoom World is alive with memorial services and memory sessions regarding CJ, quite a few years my junior.  A comprehensivist scholar, consciously pioneering what that even means (and doing a good job of it).

I could update about other family members, but I'm not posing as some exhaustive chronofiler, trying to capture every detail of my life.  My blogs provide only glimpses.

We held our Winter Solstice potluck at the Linus Pauling House, as we've been doing, with a Zoom-only interval.

Monday, November 28, 2022


prospectus: [noun] a preliminary printed statement that describes an enterprise (such as a business or publication) and that is distributed to prospective buyers, investors, or participants.

I'd put the emphasis on "participants" but in the vernacular one participates because one "buys in" and/or "invests" in a particular way to go, lets call it a lifestyle. You wanted to be in the movies? Don't tell me you're not recording right now. And right now. So be a star, you're on.

Anyway, the above YouTube has the flavor of a New Years type recap, where I'm projecting forward based on the both recent and more distant past.  The Urbit theme is somewhat new.  Martian versus Terran is more ancient, and connects to a certain Digital Math in the Digital Forest.

Quakerism is a theme for me, and my channel, but I'm not proselytizing so much as perpetuating that New England Transcendentalist tendency to transcend current normal lifestyles and try (experiment with) new things.  Quakers wanted to try ending slavery, upgrading mental health care facilities, humanizing prisons.

The promise of the open West in Westward-Ho! years was space to try stuff, to build in an empty canvas, but of course bringing along one's own demons and cultural baggage, aye, there's the rub.  But in this age of coast to coast zoning, the challenge is more one of leveraging density.  

Urban areas have long experimented with packing many ethnicities into overlapping enclaves.  Yes, there's been gang violence and yes, there've been advances in self governance.  We've taken these lessons of "getting along" to the large scale outdoor events, such as Rainbow Gathering (which I hasten to add I have yet to attend in person, but many in my cohort did), or Burning Man.  Or Woodstock (not the 1999 one).  Vortex One.

Alan Potkin, Viet Vet, educated me about Vortex One, and Oregon's role.  This is one of the few "counter-culture" events developed with overt state government support.  But then lets think how important the Oregon Country Fair is to Eugene and surroundings.  Think also of what a disaster Rajneesh Puram became, because the relationship with Salem (and of course Antelope) was adversarial.

The edge to work on is "camping" (the fun part of military campaigning), considered a recreational activity and leftover relic of self-reliance lifestyles, as also practiced in "Nomadland".  Urban street camping is in no way sexy.  FEMA camps, helping with drug rehab, are only feared, believed by praying Christians to be filled with state of the art guillotines, meant for them.  Meanwhile, we die from oxy.

The key to good camp design is transparency and a good mix of personnel, such as we had at Occupy Portland.  True, police steered all their long time hard cases in our direction, to see if we had ways of coping they didn't.  We did, but without sufficient sanitation, we were hardly in it for the long term.  OPDX was "doomed" from the beginning, but as I've posted elsewhere, we executed an orderly pullout, with some not getting the message.

Lots of therapist yoga teacher types would like to staff MASH units for the refugee addicts, if provided with sufficient sanitation.  That's the kind of asylum city we need to prototype anyway, for fast deployment where needed.  Our population is in the prototyping business.  You can call them paid lab rats, but then you can call me that too, paid with my daily bread I thank the Lord for, meaning not you (smile).

Hey, on that subject, I get it about thanking The Lord for His bounty (a Thanksgiving theme) in lieu of making one's obeisance to the Sheriff.  Democracy and monotheism are not a contradiction in terms, as in making God the King (yes I'm sticking to patriarchal motifs, sounding old timey) we're depriving any human peer of that role.  We're the sheeple, so don't get uppity and start calling yourself "our shepherd" or anything -- not unless we elect you, with term limits.

Likely a lot of this chatter sounds kind of alien, and of Cascadian origin.  Who thinks about "OPDX" (Occupy Portland) or Vortex in this day and age, let alone Rajneesh Puram?  I do, as the son of a city and regional planner, with a career starting in Portland, and with a long term interest in zoning and urban growth boundaries and such.  

But yes, in terms of demographics I'm more "barely off the reservation" in some respects, and a dark side of my Quakers might involve flashing lights and casino bling, as seen in carnivals.  I'm referring of course to Casino Math, my label for combinatorics and risk management (CROs study here).  In terms of the Cascadian economy (ecosystem), some of the funds funnel through Oregon State Lottery, and also the N8V network establishments (Tulalip, Stillaguamish, Grande Ronde... a long list of nations).

Tuesday, November 22, 2022


Cyber Collage

Clockwise: Mastodon instance (; 52 Thinking Ideas Meetup (iPhone); assorted wireframe polyhedra

Monday, November 14, 2022

Glass Beads

The title is with reference to a famous Hermann Hesse novel, wherein intellectuals in the future, in our future too, play an academic game that generates the rest of culture, I don't remember to what radius, i.e. was this a whole planet, a global culture that GBGers created?  Rather than reread the book, I've been enjoying "3rd party" (i.e. critic) YouTubes.

Probably FSI comes closest to a GBG play Castle with respect to my own weekly routine, a HQS for glass bead game playing, a Hogwarts.  Was this Hogwarts under siege in the book, or otherwise threatened?  The very term "Castle" implies an continual fighting off of entropic forces, an effort to maintain a dynasty, some continuity in culture.  Castles require a lot of maintenance I bet.

Yesterday I skipped out on being in the audience, not for lack of curiosity (expecting a YouTube), but did join TrimTab (these are Zoom calls).  FSI = Field Structure Institute, with the central conversation pieces being like intersecting twisted inner tubes.  Their twist patterns hold significance.  

You might picture a tumbling tetrahedron inside each loop, to get more of a sense of the animations we've been sharing. 

I'm immersing myself in older mathematics these days. Glenn's aura of intense scholarship now haunts the building, in the form of binders, sculptures, collected buckyball dog toys (chew toys).  This gives me a boost, the influence of his Global Matrix.

Skeptics don't think dividing math into Casino, Supermarket, Martian and Neolithic is sufficiently sensible as, for example, how do we see Bernoulli math as "Neolithic" when so much of it is still state of the art, vital circuitry? I'm talking about my Silicon Forest concoction.

The short answer is we don't; we slide the Casino+Supermarket slider back to then, the time of Bernoullis, and look at their service to contemporaneous modeling, approximating, predicting, anticipating:  all Casino Math with Supermarket implications for what gets to the stomach, figuratively but also literally speaking.  Bernoullis (a mathematical family) remain in our future as well, I anticipate.

Relative to them in the past, looking forward, we're the Martians.  "Neolithic" is just a direction i.e. "in the rear view mirror" with respect to some now.  Looking forward:  the word "Martian" evokes strange and alien, maybe threatening, but also within reach, already being touched and probed:  the future is almost tangible, and will be, as its onrush has that air of inevitability.  The past may become stranger as well, as it recedes, or perhaps we just never had much time to explore it.  

The study of history is a luxury we should all be able to afford, InshAllah (إِنْ شَاءَ ٱللَّٰهُ).

Here in the Matrix, our "daily bread" may be insufficient because others have risked our demise and deemed that a risk worth taking i.e. we were expendable in their eyes and now we have no bread.  Or maybe no others were in any position to save us.  That seems unlikely given the rhetoric.  So we die of starvation, or maybe they're aggressively hunting us as in wartime.  I've been watching some Philip K. Dick (adapted) scifi on the telly.  People are on the run from oppressors throughout The Man in the High Castle on Amazon Prime.

Picture another situation: being in a casino and running out of any more options.  Leaving broke is your next step.  There's a supermarket on the block but you have no money to buy stuff with.  Welcome to Las Vegas.

However, thanks to mathematics and its ability to give us models and more rational choice making, we steer clear of obvious money losing Ponzi schemes in the first place, by anticipating correctly what will more likely be a winning strategy.

Of course all that seems very remote from Bernoulli Numbers and how to compute them.  That was algorithmic knowledge i.e. step by step one could generate these humongous fractions.  Nowadays, in SymPy or Mathematica, you might just ask for the nth one.  Were Bernoulli Numbers what Ada was aiming for in her Babbage machine inspired notebooks?

The Data Center (Casino) is humming with tools, from Wolfram Alpha on down.  Wolfram is a good example of a Hogwarts or GBG HQS perhaps. On the timeline, from ancient past (Neolithic) to alien future (Martian) we have this axis populated with star mathematicians and their rational constructions, partially overlapping and feeding our appetites for automation.

To be more concrete, today I was working on Py4HS_Bernoulli, a Jupyter Notebook, where I tackle this idea of generating functions, and the coefficients of so-called Bernoulli Polynomials.  I am in no way expert on these topics, and my goal is to exercise the mechanics of specific tools:  numpy, sympy, pandas.

Why?  In the background I'm reading about Sheffer sequences in the context of a discourse also hoping to bring healing to warring regions, in this case the region in Eurasia currently experiencing tank and trench warfare, with missiles and drones.  

Casino + Supermarket again; risk versus likelihood of survival, as whatever one considers oneself to be.  The word "existential" is often used.  So there's a connecting theme: how to more successfully wire Planet Earth going forward, literally, as well as figuratively.

Wednesday, November 02, 2022

Remembering Glenn Stockton

Glenn Stockton

In memory of my good friend Glenn Stockton. My thanks to his support team, who helped him through his last weeks of life. Glenn grew up in Montana, then St. Helens and The Dalles, Oregon. The family then moved to Page, Arizona where his dad, by then an electrician, worked on the Glen Canyon Dam. 

Always a naturalist, Glenn learned the ways of the desert and its creatures.

After a short stint following in his dad's footsteps as a union journeyman, Glenn joined the military and, given his high aptitude scores, was sent to the language school in Monterey, then on to a secret base in Vietnam, as a code cracker. Glenn had huge respect for the Vietnamese language and culture.

He subsequently served at the NSA headquarters (Fort Meade) before enrolling in Antioch College and joining the counter-culture. Living both on and off the grid, he continued developing his skills. He built a stone home from scratch, and started a family.

He helped get a small factory up and running in Jerome AZ. The company made the most sensitive mercury vapor detectors in the business, important in gold mining.

I got to know Glenn when he moved to Portland, partly to stay close to his son and daughter. He became a Wanderer and continued to explore and develop his ideas as a widely read scholar and polymath.

He coined the term "Global Matrix" to encapsulate his research themes. We overlapped a lot in our thinking and enjoyed exploring ideas together. 

Sometime around the Fall Equinox in 2022, he checked himself into the VA. He was released the next day, but with a terminal diagnosis. He made it to Halloween, with help from his support team.

Glenn Stockton, 1962
Page, Arizona

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Comedy and Social Commentary

The role of "comedian" (as in standup) is especially interesting, and inherits from "court jester", a truth teller who knew the mind of the king well enough, so the story goes, to give him much needed cues in the form of harmless jokes.  "Hey King, you're being a jerk" might not be the right way to approach a particular king.  

They say King Trump was rather not into court jesters, but that's a rumor (he had Steve Bannon, Roger Stone and Rudy Giuliani), and besides we're supposed to pretend he was a President, not a King (I compromise on "impotus"), as if The District were still capable of staging anything remotely constitutional, now that unfettered money rules the roost.

Anyway, Ramy Youssef had a much easier job than Trump's jester (Biden is his own jester they tell me), with a large friendly audience of many fellow Arabs.  Pan-Arabism is alive and well once Arabs find themselves moored in distant places like Portland.  From this distance, Egyptian and Palestinian are very much one people, a lot like ethnic Russians and Ukrainians.

Actually, I'm somewhat off the mark.  Intra-Arab tensions and stereotypes must be addressed.  Ramy had a set of jokes about marrying a Saudi and thinking she might be inner circle enough to know something scandalous.  The audience responded with hoots and hollers.

In another sequence he psychoanalyzed  the role of the therapist in Muslim culture, a somewhat new thing for some, especially the oldsters.  Fears about what one's spouse might be saying, behind one's back, to her therapist, seemed to hit a note.

Ramy mocked how unsuited a Muslim would be for this therapist job, especially when it came to preserving confidentiality.  "Let's go tell your mom right now!" she would command.  No, if you want a competent therapist, you really need someone Jewish (laughter).

The jokes about Israel had to do with Ramy going back to a new girlfriend's house, and when she went off stage for a bit (in the story) he turned on the light and saw the giant Israeli flag used as decor.  Only a USA flag could have scared him more, in terms the twisted psycho-pathologies it suggested.  How could one reconcile such fears with sex when she came back?  Something to bring up with one's therapist later perhaps.

My friend Dr. T., a college professor who had the extra free ticket, found the show pretty funny, as did I, but we both noticed our place on the bell curve, in terms of age.  This was a mostly younger crowd.  When it came to the grandma and grandpa jokes, those were about us.

Ramy had some jokey stories about: loving his rescue dog (countering a stereotype) and how he came to own it by competing with white privilege; changing mask mores over the course of the pandemic; his refusal to endorse impotus Biden despite some arm twisting from the 2020 campaign.

Upon entering the theater, we had our phones imprisoned in felt pouches, which were handed back to us for safekeeping. At the show's conclusion, we filed past theater staff with magic pouch-opening devices.  

Given I'd had a couple Jack Daniels before the show down the street, at Bear Paw Pub (many thanks to Dr. D. for driving me), this funny phone business just added to the comedy.

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Circling Back

One may find it easier to give in to the doomy gloomy reports coming in from all corners.  These were tumultuous times.

However when one thinks back, those corners have always been there.  One's personal vantage point changes, but against something a lot more fixed and remote, or so it seems.

Halloween has come around again, with more of the usual bellyaching about how it might all be some Satanist plot and so on.  If you study folk religions, going back, you find some people are always up in arms about something or other.  What is life without melodrama?

I'm looking back over work around the Trucker Exchange Program, variously named.  I'd be foolish to back away from the Peace Corp influence, given my long history with Thirsters here in Portland, and as part of  a family that might invite you to dinner, give you a place to stay, if you were a volunteer overseas.  So were we (overseas voluntarily).

I'll be accused of trying to "gentrify" the job of trucker, now that tables might have turned, and coders are looking to learn a new lifestyle.  They used to tell truckers to "learn to code" which came across as obnoxious and annoying.  Part of the conceit was the coders were actively working to put truck drivers out of a job, because "driverless" would be just around the corner.

Some types of convoy service, like a truck-to-train hybrid, might be in the near future, but the fantasies they've been projecting lately have felt like recycled 1920s stuff.  You'll have those conversational robots tomorrow, as you prepare by becoming more like robots today (the better to converse with them, right?).

Probably this was one of those dialectical things, where apparent thesis (the profession of trucking) and its antithesis (no drivers needed) were on a collision course to higher synergy.

The job of "truck pilot" (and "crew") was about to get more data centric and feature more programming.  The coder-driver would take on multiple languages (human and computer) in the context of a work-study scenario in the Global U.  Truckers are the new citizen diplomats, with truck stops (campus facilities) our new venues for mutual understanding and diplomacy.  Don't leave it to the cube farmers and think tankers.

On the Synergetics front, I think we have a pretty good flow among the various websites, should browsers get into the groove, which is not saying they will.  

Let's just say some already have.  

We're not aiming to be too insistent or "in your face" as they say.  

I won't say "subliminal" so much as "peripheral" in the Amber Case way of talking.  We're here when you need us.

Sunday, October 09, 2022

Food Not Bombs Story

Food Not Bombs Story

What you see above is but a screen shot, not an embedded video.  I'm taking a YouTube I made, and adding it to Rumble.  This morning I made more content, exclusive to Rumble.  

If you're interested in following up, look to the Links widget on the right for a link to my 4Dsolutions channel on that network.

Wednesday, October 05, 2022

Dymaxion Map in the Foreground

Dymaxion Clown

Thanks to Alec's bio of Bucky being juicy, leading to higher sales, more capitalizing has occurred.  

Alec brings the Dymaxion Map into it, as he follows the chronology (Dymaxion Car, Dymaxion House, Dymaxion Bathroom...).  

By the time of that Life Magazine issue in 1943, Bucky was a King of the Hill when it came to lecturing the public on the drawbacks of using distorted maps.  National Geographic was quick to proffer up a host of better alternatives.  We've been watching the YouTubes about all this over on TrimTab.

Data scientists e.g. users of hex tile libraries, geopandas, ESRI products and so on, are going to think in terms of "data layers".  

The overlay of "nation states", like an endocrine system, or lymphatic, occupies its place on the stack of transparencies.  Fancy medical science textbooks came with these multi-layer anatomies.  

Now we have computers and animations that will perform even better.  Geo-spatial data visualizations are anatomy and physiology by another name, with their planetary focus.

Bucky wanted to pioneer a space of neutrality, using what one might call a map of prehistoric earth, but not in the sense of "continents shifted".  

We might still go with dinosaurs though, on this mythical Whole Earth with its Jurassic Park.  We could have several branches of hominid.  Unreal or Unity or Blender might be enlisted at this point.

Fast forward and we get to the Napoleonic Period, slowing to the US acquiring its fifty stars, teetering on the edge with Puerto Rico.  

That data layer is still accessible, through the Mercator, through the Gall-Peters, through whatever projection (mapping framework, coordinate system) you like.  

Just not the Dymaxion.  

We're deliberately ignorant and innocent of post Napoleonic stuff.  Give us our Neanderthal Ken and Barbie dolls, and our Dymaxion Map.  Forget the future, or at least that one.

These remarks provide some atmospherics designed to evoke that spirit of neutrality, when it comes to geopolitics.  

Given all the world maps on the shelf, it makes perfect sense that at least one would be nation free by deliberate design.  Why not?  We won't be trapped in some "time period". 

Not only that, it's sophisticated in other directions as well.  

I sound like a salesman don't I?  One who "believes in his product".

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Statecraft: the Crafting of States

Globe & Map

One idea of a nation is it's like a tribe, a large group with some shared ethnicity i.e. common customs and language.  "These are my people" say the denizens of such a nation.

Another idea of a nation is a kind of cybernetic machine that lets people of many ethnicities co-exist.  This is not a recent idea or invention.  The value "cosmopolitan" comes to mind, as older than "multicultural".

The federations of states in North America, including those of Lower48, along with the provinces of Canada, have internalized a lot of the "melting pot" aesthetics that go with the cosmopolitan mindset, although acceptance of diversity also allows for niches and enclaves (or call them "ghettos" as in the "Buddhist ghetto" like where I live -- also known as Asylum District), so-called neighborhoods.

That my family should have to live next door to some other family of greatly different heritage seems unfair and wrong according to the first set of criteria.  The Clint Eastwood film here is Gran Torino.  The retired factory worker from Detroit resents having to live next to refugees from Asia -- until he gets to know them better.

People in the federated states of North America tend to see a state as cosmopolitan and cybernetic, unless they feel threatened by such notions, in which case the idea of fragmenting into local "stans" may be attractive.   Some people suggest that, if you want a "whites only" experience (as if "white" were either a race and/or ethnicity, whereas it's neither), you might try moving to Idaho.

To cosmopolitan ears, the parochialism of "Ukraine for Ukrainians" meaning "Russians go home" sounds like nationalism of the first sort.  More like Kurdistan, a place for Kurds.  On the other hand, many European nations, especially those with a colonial past, have embraced the values of cosmopolitanism.  Their idea of a state is it should work for multiple ethnicities.

India supposedly wants to stay multicultural, meaning Hindu and Islamic subcultures get to share the same infrastructure.  Again, the temptation is to give in to tribalism, more like some Ukrainians, some Americans.  States that know how to accommodate multiple ethnicities might be more experimental, but then in principle they may be more robust, as they better mirror the whole earth in microcosm.

We might ask similar questions about corporations, sports teams, religious institutions:  are they able to hold it together even when there's lots of diversity?  That's a question to ask more than to answer.  The jury is still out in so many cases, meaning Judgement Day has not yet arrived, apparently.

What hurts Ukraine's prospects of staying in the game, as a nation, are its ultra-nationalists, the ones who say "Ukraine is for ethnic Ukrainians only".  That's an attitude Europeans are taught is immature, too immature to be a basis for statehood.  Ukraine's inability to stomach its own Russian population seems to have doomed it from the beginning, at least in the eyes of some spectators.  

Ethnic chauvinism may be safely repackaged as "pride" around which parades are permissible, even festivals.  But raining on others' parades is considered gauche and rather tasteless, as a rule of thumb.  Again, I'm speaking from a globalist perspective.  Tribalists will take a different view.

When it comes to tribalism, that's where I believe in "diaspora nations" and/or "virtual nations" that don't need to claim vast tracts of contiguous land.  Ethnicities cohere more through telecommunications than through sharing common acreage.  We could call a supranational corporation, say Global Data Corp, such a tribal ethnicity, although again, management may value diversity along several axes, without surrendering the company's tribal nature.

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Campfire Hero

I'm still the hero in little ways, like when my router died, and I found a new one on sale (because an older model) for cheap, got it up and running in short order.  In the meantime, the CenturyLink modem came with its own Wifi, and I've learned to keep one of the laptops on direct Ethernet.

Just now I was a hero because I'd regenerated some access token with one chance to copy it, for Github access. That's where I'm working with teachers on a High School of Tomorrow kind of curriculum, one that incorporates Github and Git.  So I should know this stuff right?  I more swill around in it, the big pig, learning as I go.  The proud boar in the mud.

The WiFi laptop had no idea of the Ethernet laptop's doings and when I went to git push, authentication failed immediately.  How could I (a) force Git to prompt for new credentials (lots of Windows answers) and (b) push the new token through its password mouth.  That was my morning battle, with coffee and time off to think it through slowly.  I believe I came to an optimal solution, which I'll not bore you with.

OK, I will, bore on!  I emailed the token from one laptop, equivalent to archiving it in the cloud and do we trust the cloud.  Maybe the next step is to delete that email.  Then, after wandering through some reams on StackOverFlow, I finally found this gem (for my problem).  The next git push caused a prompt, and I've verified username.  The new token served.

Finally, I managed a second time this season around that 14 mile loop, down to OMSI, south to Sellwood (the new extended pavement got us lost), over to I-205 (past Precision Cast Parts), and north to Division.  That's not exactly how it all went, given a flat tire (not one of mine).  Division was repaved and ready, for today...

What's today?  TriMet unveils its new "bendy bus" service along route 2, from Gresham to downtown by way of Division and OMSI.  The service is free to help publicize, familiarize, do some testing.  Tomorrow it starts "for real".  TriMet is the hero, for sculpting a future (chiseling new features).  That reminds me of another hero story...

I finally tackled Apple Pay and got a virtual Hop card wired to a credit card in my virtual wallet.  The next time I hop a bus, I should be able to wave the phone somehow.  Except not today as the debut service is free.

You've gotta do some of your own patting yourself on your own back, for a job well done from time to time.  Others may not have time for your details, which they've dismissed as irrelevant.  You're being a hero nonetheless, and giving yourself credit for it.  

I'm saying that's healthy sometimes, like logs on the fire, as we keep the mythic (mithraic) campfire burning.

A next chance to be a hero:  that newly regenerated Github token expires soon.

Sunday, September 11, 2022

From VectorVille

Martian Multiplication (2 x 2 x 5 = 20)

I got immersed in another tale from VectorVille, the place of Grassmann, Clifford, certainly Whitehead, but that's one school.  Gibbs-Heaviside inherits more directly from Hamilton-Tait.  And those are just a couple of the moving pieces; I'm not saying I have a total grasp of this engine.  I learned a lot of new things just this morning, about Clifford in particular.

We're talking about Algebras here (in the plural) if none of that made sense.  These are the superstars, and that Whitehead is the same Alfred North who worked with Bertrand Russell, another higher up among philosophers.  These algebras have the property of being foundational in the sense of general.  They each show off how every other algebra is an instance of what they describe.

Anyway, for all I know, the "web foot multiplication" of two and three vectors, forming a "close the lid" triangle and tetrahedron respectively (bottom and top figures), is well known as some [Borges] Algebra.  I'm not a super-sleuth vs-a-vs every nook and cranny of this library see.  I'm no Columbo (Wings of Desire allusion).

Why I'm talking about VectorVille, in turn, is because I was just posting to a listserv (open archive) regarding Quadrays again, what else is new, right?  That's a vector algebra you only need prior exposure to XYZ to understand, and indeed I describe it as "an API to XYZ" which sort of begs the question "from where?" i.e. who is outside of XYZ enough to need an "API" into it, Martians?

I've been reading about the Vector World and its evolution more as one of those sideline journalists, following from afar, than some immersed professor, in spite of all my dabbling the Quadray architecture. I've been needing excuses to build Python muscles, and I could see the investment in Synergetics was paying off, if only in terms of getting to meet with some superstars of my generation.  Standing ovation, y'all.

For those still scratching their heads, I recommend more searches, and bone up on "caltrop" as a good Scrabble word.

Speaking of Scrabble words, and Puzzle World, hats off to that world, e.g. Sodoku, Wordle and all that. Crossword puzzles, jigsaw puzzles... count me a fan, with no pretensions to being innately good at solving any of them. I confess to being a bit of a maze junky in my day, and I even innovated a fun variant, a directed graph looking thing (with bridges and tunnels).

7 x 10 = 70

Thursday, September 08, 2022

Pronouns Again

Originally posted to the TTBC listserv. Some typos fixed in this version.

With all this talk about pronouns in Lower48 (probably Hawaii too), there seems little introspection on the problematic "we", as in "we invaded Iraq" or some such nonsense (I certainly didn't, so don't include me in any such "we" -- I don't have nuclear weapons either, so no "we" there either). Don't tell me Uncle Sam did it because in my mind he's off the hook, resting in peace and all that (a soul searching Grunch is in the control room these days).

But then comes "we" as in "humans in Universe" in which case I (a human) get to be responsible for an ongoing criminal operation, our operation, against a precious planet. Maybe that's not the best way to look at it? Too aggressive? 

People sang something about overcoming. Were those the alcoholic Gurdjieffians that Bucky talks about? Alec's book has inspired me to look more into that relationship, twixt Bucky, and G & O. [2]

I have Fuller's Dymaxion Map in the picture, showing how any mature / lasting "we" must consider itself at least the whole globe i.e. "we the people" can't be just some island or continent.

"Think globally act locally" is akin to the enjoinder to "Drive Safely". This idea that globalism is anti-nationalism seems wrong to me. The only good nationalist screenwriting comes from those able to think globally. The rest is from morons.  

But then you have those teams and various Venn Diagram games, vs how to deploy one's pronouns more narrowly, in the context of language games (world games). Back to "we" and "I" in the small sense. Back to loner individuals and the Wild West. [3]


[1] from a previous post. Re Math Forum. Started at Swarthmore College, acquired by Drexel, then taken over by NCTM. I'd call it a hostile takeover given the consequences. NCTM = National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. In the UK, the corresponding body was founded by one Caleb Gattegno, or so "they" tell me.


[3] aka WestWorld (curating a favorite artwork):


Friday, September 02, 2022

Public Relations

Hawthorne Street Fair 2022

I've adopted a somewhat "word of mouthy" approach to PR, meaning organic sharing, without any promise of direct compensation, is the best test of a product's index of osmosis.  Those of high index advertise themselves, which means, in today's parlance, they go viral i.e. spread of their own accord.

Does this mean I'm arrogantly boasting that I'm a master of word-of-mouth PR?  On the contrary, I'm more the message in a bottle type, tossing out as many messages in as many bottles as I might afford, but it's a finite effort, and each bottle, in and of itself, is a long shot.  To extend the metaphor, nothing stops the ocean from tossing them right back on shore, for me to open them.

What is my "product" you ask?  Where do you click to get the succulent dessert cookies or whatever?  Do I sell Champaign?  I'm thinking of the new pink-motif retailer I stumbled upon during the Hawthorne Street Fair yesterday.  They sell little pastries and alcoholic drinks.

Glam Bakery

Sunday, August 21, 2022


Recapping SEE stuff

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Regarding the Sideshow

I have a pretty full plate on the teaching circuit, yet it's hard not to get distracted by all the swinging pendulums. 

Which side of what is cheering or booing for what team these days?  I lose track.

An overall cultural shift has been among those considering themselves "liberals" getting themselves more enmeshed in a deep state, with rank and file Republicans feeling more like outsiders than insider GOP types.

The internals of the Congress are supposed to shift during the upcoming midterms, but that's all been eclipsed by a flare up in presidential politics,  a genre of TV the viewer-voyeurs find more interesting and engaging.

Perhaps a compromise of sorts has been reached, as if the Dems force Trump to the sidelines for legal reasons -- involving byzantine deep state rules invented for just such occasions -- then Trump doesn't have to brave another storm as superpower president in his old age (seems humane) and the GOP is likewise free to move on and gain experience.

Trump has suddenly been blessed with martyrdom while not yet in a posthumous state.  He joins Assange, Snowden and Leonard Peltier, among others.  

Mar-a-Lago as a rich man's Waco?  Not exactly, fortunately.

Anyway, that's the spin I was getting from Youtube this morning, and it seemed somewhat plausible. The more diplomatic on the left are seizing this moment to welcome the right, into mutual distrust of the Swamp. 

The swamp is a cesspool for organized murder Inc. aka the war machine.  Getting it to stop spilling over has been a challenge and a cliffhanger.  Are we finally achieving containment?  

They're not succeeding in dividing us, whomever "they" are.

Thursday, August 04, 2022

Wednesday, July 27, 2022


folk art

I think most of us know what "abduction" means in a popular (folk) culture context, as in "abducted by aliens". Or rather, we may not know precisely what abduction would entail, but we have a ballpark meaning, and leave it to the science fiction author to spell it out in more detail.  What happens to a person when abducted by aliens?  The same question arises as with kidnapping:  are they ever returned?  Were persons sold into slavery "abducted"?

However, what I didn't know, until today, was that the pragmatist philosopher Charles Peirce had introduced "abduction" in concert with the more familiar induction and deduction i.e. in the namespace of logic and its mental processes (algorithms).  The process of abduction involves improvisation, coming up with a ready explanation.  The question is how does one do that effectively.  Another related question is how does one test one's abduction through deduction and/or induction, by way of verification?

A word similar to Peirce's meaning of "abducted" might be "adduced".  However, "to be abducted" in the passive sense, as if by aliens, is closer to that sense of intervention by divine grace and/or demonic possession.  The impulse comes from outside, inspiring the intuitionist.   Ramanujan said as much.

The latter intuitionist, lightning struck by some insight, then needs to perform reality checks, as to whether A really does provide insights regarding some surprising development C (these are the letters Peirce uses).

In the folk religion of the Subgenius (Church of), the aspiration to be abducted on X-Day (one of the dogmas), might be understood as metaphoric, but also as a prayer for ascendancy and revelation, through moments of Genius and/or Gnosis.

One visits (passes through) a genius state ("cosmic zero"), from a default awaiting state of sub-genius-hood.  

A "higher power" (a deity, muse or spirit) has to provide the juice, the impetus, the catalyst, in order for the sub-genius to "make the leap" (through that moment of enlightenment) and then return to the default (faulty?) or deficit state.  

From the perspective of genius, the sub-genius state may indeed be considered fallen or faulty, which is why the proper attutude of humility is chosen by Subgenius disciples.  Bob gets lucky.  Bob bumbles.  Normalizing the faulty state is the business of the normative bureaucrat, lost in the Matrix, out of touch with how weird that is, to be "normal".


To excerpt from Mapping the Mapper, by Paul Taylor & John Wood in 1997 [1]:

The mathematical concept of mapping

This project attempts to map the ideas and designs of Buckminster Fuller, who himself developed maps: actual geographical maps and intellectual maps of fields of study relevant to design. In conjunction with a mapping of his totalistic conception of design thinking, the notion of mapping itself underpins the application of Peirce's notion of abduction, here construed as a mechanism of conceptual development and problem solving. The facilities afforded by hypertext enable the user to abductively relate disparate ideas within the field of design and outside it, in such a way that, in the process of mapping the range of concerns presented by Fuller, the user becomes aware of the issue of mapping itself, and thereby increasingly self-aware in respect of the mappings she herself develops in interaction with this hypertext environment. Thus, the user is enabled to develop a mental map of the inter-relationships between various fields and ideas relevant to the specific issues, which concern her. Beyond this, however, lie questions of mapping and modeling, which arise in the particular case of the subject matter of this hypertext. Fuller's geometrical theories can be conveniently investigated in this form, and can be tested and applied to other aspects of his work, as well as to other design questions.

Finding closer affinity with Pierce comes as a surprisingly valuable puzzle piece.  The gist of Richard Rorty's somewhat autobiographical Achieving Our Country was to put patriotism on a psychologically  secure basis within an American context that included Pragmatism, followed backward through certain writers, many of them activists.  

Moving forward, we have the Buckminster Fuller lineage, inheriting from Transcendentalism, itself a literary movement.  In Synergetics we find the integration of the visually vectorial with the more viscerally incommensurate, a marriage of Eulerian and Gibbsian attributes, in that namespace.

Patriotism might be construed as the free flow of libido (free love, not costly in karmic terms) within a personalized or customized Universe, containing ones folk, people or peeps.  

From the outside, a patriot appears as a specimen of some proud ethnicity, a member of some subculture, with patriotism emanating as a sense of "we" i.e. of community and shared subculture.  "We the people" suggests a pueblo, or a folk.  A spirit of inclusivity and/or diversity need not necessitate surrendering one's sense of taste nor one's powers of discrimination.

Per the James Hillman doctrine and discipline of soul-making or self-making, one might locate a self within an environs, as the complementary semantic space.  The two grow and develop together, one's self and one's country (a space of others in relationship), which country may be: a whole planet; some bordered region thereof; and/or a network of affiliated campuses -- all depending on one's sense of selfhood.

The IDEAbase idea of Paul Taylor and John Wood involves consciously thinking about hypertext in connection with the abductive process.  Hypertextual approaches to a discipline involve assembling a puzzle, piecing together structures, establishing mnemonic - neuronic highways and byways.  These structures are non-linear and their traversal is by default somewhat plodding.  However, when the insights kick in, harmonic resonance is achieved, in the form of epiphanies, fits of genius, related to concepts of "possession" and "seizure", or "abduction" in other words [2]:

Work on the IDEAbase system has focused on the abductive aspects of design thinking, as this provides an identifiably typical thinking process. This use of the notion of abduction is attributed to C.S. Peirce : "A surprising fact, C, is observed. But if a proposition, A, were true, C would be a matter of course. Hence, there is a reason to suspect that A is true." It has been recognized (Wood & Taylor, 1994) that designers rely heavily on abductive modes of thinking because it helps them to seek answers to immediate problems that cannot be found within the problem space itself. In other words, they will probably have to look beyond the confines of the design problem itself to find a workable solution.

[1] Taylor, P., & Wood, J., (1997), "Mapping the Mapper", a chapter in "Computers, Communications, and Mental Models", eds. Donald Day & Diane Kovacs, Taylor & Francis, London, ISBN 0-7484-0543-7, pp. 37-44, January 1997.

[2] Wood, J., (1994), "Chaos and the Virtual Library - strange attractors in the design studio", paper given at IDATER "94 conference (International Design and Technology Education Research) at Loughborough University, Leicestershire, UK, (August, 1994). 

comical nation

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Back to School

Those of you following my several efforts already know I have a goodly amount to say on the matter of "maths pedagogy" (my US heritage spellchecker says not to pluralize "math"). 

I also take up the term "andragogy" for good measure, meaning why give up on the adults?  Let them experience high school again too, not because they've failed but because of Future Shock per Toffler.  

Things change enough in one lifetime now, that going back to high school is not seen as a dis. The challenges are logistical.  The devil is in the details (a great cliche).

Actually, "Pythonic Andragogy" (spellchecker goes wild, "adding to dictionary" twice) is more what I'm known for on the Pycon and OSCON circuits, per whatever buried archival footage (I've curated some of it).  Part of maths pedagogy is to phase in a computer language and mix the two:  maths and programming.  Not really a new idea.  Lots of curricula explore these possibilities.

High school for adults would allow for more adult behaviors.  We'd have an outdoor camp-site based aesthetic in part to cut costs, in part to impart "camping skills" to a largely civilian population.  Come to one of our campuses and camp out.  If you want a dorm room in an apartment complex, we likely have those options.

A question is what adults have time to take off work and abandon their families in order to regress to a high school existence, much as some might like to.  This conjures the wrong picture.  A lot of high schoolers keep mixing it up (deliberately) with work and don't need to go anywhere.  Others might opt for a campus experience, but as a family camping expedition.

Another feature of high school for adults is they don't make you rack up debt.  Society benefits from your efforts to stay abreast societal changes, picking up another language (human or computer), learning to run a lathe, other power tools (3D printer, electric ATV...).

One reason I label it "high school" is to underscore the fundamental nature of this layer, already, in the present day.  Driving habits, dating habits, study habits... this is a formative time in the teen years, wherein various self disciplines become established, or don't.  We connect high school to the process of becoming who we will be.

What about designers who choose not to adopt this model and insist on "re-education camps" or "college" where adults (some with kids) are concerned.  The PR around "re-education camps" is already very negative and is associated with brainwashing.  Such camps are at the bottom of the barrel, like Guantanamo (a military prison).  

That leaves "college and university" as institutions we keep going back to, for another dip in the well of knowledge.

I'm planning not to quarrel too much about how other designers design their semantic spaces.  I've got the namespaces I've got, and those who take up studying my stuff end up knowing their way around from the inside.  Such is the pattern, vs-a-vs just about anyone.

Why I'm pitching my curriculum at more or less the high school level is I think our maths especially is in that sweet spot.  We have a geometry of vectors in a vector space, but with some alternative stipulations as to apparatus, making our IVM-based system "an API" to the more conventional XYZ one.  

Having two geometries going in tandem is eye-opening, not to mention enlightening.  As maths should be.

Another reason I focus on "high school level" is probably political, in that we still do associate the institution of high school with juveniles, and what's being revealed about so many in the political cast (or class) is their oft times juvenile habits, inculcated, likely as not, in their habit-forming teen years.  

Making more room for young adults to assume responsibility involves deprecating the namespaces frequented by adults with stale skills and stale views.  Some adults in expensive clothes, appearing on TV, would not appear so fashionable if we could see more directly into their profiles.  They rely on screenwriters for lines anyway, most of them.  Producers and directors like to stay off camera.

Many politicians continue operating in delinquency, way past a decent pull date.  

But why not follow Hollywood with the extreme makeover schools and trainings (no, I'm not just talking about Scientology)?  

Go back to school and learn some new language games.  Then rejoin the youth more productively, with a shiny new education, more as contributing members of society than as an elderly boor stuck in pig-headed complexes from whatever past military-industrial age.

Again, the science fiction with the many campuses (converted bases in some cases), happy campers, sound stages, prototypes, is for a more mature and science-minded civilization than this one.  It'd take a lot of work (including planning) to get there (Asylum City) versus indulging in tawdry war crime melodramas or worse.  

Some of the upcoming designers appear up for doing some serious overhauls, and not in the genre of reckless accelerationism, another juvenile behavior.  

Designing is a process and requires feedback loops to stay in touch with reality.  Many designs remain science fiction, yet nevertheless tantalize us with their realism in some cases.

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Antsy Engineers

One can sense the engineers are unhappy.  Why not let us play with the new toys?  We'll keep gas levels where you need them politically, but let us test the new equipment.  You need to afford us that opportunity if you want us to stay in your employ.

The politicians do not want that to happen.  The newly completed NS2, the second nostril, must not be used, even though NS1 is now closed and Germany is not getting enough gas.  It can only hold its breath for so long.  The engineers want to breathe through the other nostril.  

The politicians, lawyers for the most part, do not buy into "code is law" or any of the "world domination"  bull crap.  Engineers do not really exist as a class.  Said the Eloi, about the Morlocks.

Monday, July 11, 2022

The Geoscope

Dymaxion Globe

Fuller's critics may object that he no more invented the idea of a globe than Copernicus discovered the sun, and this is true. 

What he invented he named the Geoscope and once you have a word to your name, it's yours to aim and fire, so to speak, meaning it's up to you to impart spin and trajectory.  

In Bucky's case, this meant another overture to the United Nations, as his crowning achievement in the geoscope department would have been the one in the East River.  In his oeuvre Critical Path, in conjunction with Kiyoshi, Fuller was celebrating the UN even as he claimed to chronicle the twilight of the world's power structures.  Erhard's group was celebrating the UN around the same time.

If you wonder about where the Foster Gamble camp inserts a bifurcation, distancing itself from the Fuller School, it's in its choice of conspiracy theories that cast the United Nations as a bad egg.  Bucky is less interested in goodies versus baddies, first of all, nor is he against the spread of rights to humans, versus to pseudo-humans (the bots, the corporations).               

The Geoscope would not have meant what it did had the same inventor not come up with a certain world map, deemed by analysts to be unique, less for its mathematics (it achieved the same low distortions as the best of them) than for its deployment of the sinuses to echo new Cold War themes, and also the themes of commercial jet travel.  

In both cases, the polar route, and in particular the north polar route, had become center stage. As development moves to that arctic circle, the same configuration of the continents is likely to suggest itself.

However, missing from the above analysis is the more obvious distinction:  the Dymaxion Map was not about the political anatomy of the world as dreamed up by skilled imagineers (a term from Disney).  

The Fuller Projection was not especially friendly to the nation-state jigsaw puzzle in other words, a way of keeping it less dated, more timeless. 

Maps go out of date as nations come and go.  Not so the Dymaxion.


Those of us who do care about the mathematics are more interested in the tiling algorithms, and how these design and serve hexagons and pentagons from any stash of global data.  Or do they serve other polygons, perhaps trapezoids.  The latitude-longitude grid lines define a trapezoidal framework.  Those could be useful too.

Showing several hexagons around the Texas-Mexico border, when doing weather for example, would help burn in the major towns and roads, mountains and rivers.  Weather reporting is a daily geography lesson. As truckers become accustomed to a driving region, they come to know its highways and byways.  

This is what truckers come to know:  their GPS systems.  The first thing any truck simulator should provide is one of those hexagonal tile displays with global data.  How do we know it's hexagonal?  I'm talking about commercial branding.  I'm talking about World Game now.

Saturday, July 09, 2022

A Saturday FSI Meetup

Screen Shot 2022-07-09 at 10.36.00 AM
what is a field?

That was an illuminating FSI meeting.   Let me journal some content while memories are fresh.

Gary Doskas, a talented engineer, showcased some tetrahelix-making software of his own devising, but in this rendition, the tetrahedra have disappeared (optionally, a toggle) and we're looking at the "pipes" inside.  

Yes, back to pipes.  A duct works.

Picture a tetrahedron as an elbow joint with a pipe connecting two holes at the centers of adjacent faces (any two faces are adjacent in this shape).  

Now start face-joining ghost tetrahedrons, pipe to pipe, starting with a simple helical tetrahelix.  

 "Ghost tetrahedra" means they're allowed to interpenetrate (my word for it) i.e. conduit-defining tetrahedra comprise a coordinating system for laying pipe in space, and need not "get in the way" of each other.

"Interweaving pipe loops" characterizes the Don Bridell models of field structures pretty well.  Gary is approaching the ability to weave these, and in so doing, give them unique labels in terms of a genetic code.

The sense of hydraulics and electrical circuits was strong in our session, meaning a sense of physics was in the air, intentional in the case of field structures.

Elastic Interval Geometry (EIG) already had me in the mood to imagine long balloons or cigars, as the visible compression elements in a tensegrity. Gerald was on this same call by the way, from Europe, making astute observations.

Then came Flextegrity in my experience, no mere metaphor either, in terms of museum-quality models.  Flextegrity is about load-bearing, stress-managing extensible lattices, against the backdrop of the IVM apparatus (similar to XYZ, also ghostly).

Now I have acquired this new hyperloopy drinking straw metaphor with a lot of hypertoon associations, and I'm learning more about how the sausage is made so to speak. 

"Partially overlapping scenario Universe" (a Buckyism) is what it all looks like to me, or flying spaghetti monsters (that's local esoterica). Make them as hyperdimensional as you wish, in whatever phase space. Continuity is what's key (smoothness of action, in the sense of logic followed).

Speaking of riding the rails, I think of theme park roller coasters (e.g. Twisted Dragon), but also of what the industry calls "dark rides" meaning indoor scenario more simulated experiences, also usually rail-based.  Disney specialized in these, but also roller coasters. The genres are to some extent blendable.

Anyway, what one mentally maps to these mental maps is their business mostly, with role model examples trending towards physical interpretations, and with attention to the precise geometry, the engineering.  

Science takes in interest in the details, where the devil is, they say (as in "the devil is in the details"). 

In this case, the tetrahelix was king, but in a ghostly background kind of way.  Snaky pipe networks were in foreground, like rides in a water park.

Gary shared some amazing animations showing us twisty pipe loops that could get more and more twisty, changing symmetries and finally ending up in a simple base loop pattern.  

That's not easy to visualize without more information, I realize.  You had to be there I guess.  Actually the talk was recorded, so maybe it will surface on the FSI YouTube channel eventually. Bravo Gary!

Here's a screenshot of my recent use of Don's field structure model, in a hypertoons talk.

Screen Shot 2022-07-09 at 9.09.27 AM

Thursday, July 07, 2022

A Political Recap

You might get from my critics that I'm close to incoherent when it comes to stating my views.  That's hardly the case.  

When it comes to recent domestic politics, I stood up for General Flynn at first, on the principle that new administrations need a long leash.  Let them bark up the wrong trees at first.  Don't undermine a president too early or you risk making a mockery of the office, from which legitimacy extends.

So yes, I thought the FBI was playing a risky game, and as it came out the game was mainly against Trump himself, it became increasingly a story of a deep state against an elected president, a descent into Banana Republic status.  No, I was never a Trump fan.  I'd voted for Hillary, and Obama before that.  I was attracted to Tulsi for her good American Samoan sense, her Hindu leanings not a problem, but I had no illusions that she could ever be enough of a scoundrel to occupy the post constitutional oval office.

Through the unraveling of Russiagate, three things became clear (a) the UK was still Meddler in Chief when it came to pulling strings in DC and (b) there would be no recovery from Banana Republic status (the presidency had pretty much died as an office) and (c) the insanity of the "rigged voting machines" crowd, which included the former president and his waylaid general.

Going forward: (c) interests me most, all insanity aside, as voting machines continue to be susceptible, just probably not in ways invented by amateurish storytellers with no real street smarts or savvy.  I think the Trump camp's rush to concoct fables regarding these particular voting machines was ill-fated from the get go, though they had little choice but to go with the hand they were dealt.

The beleaguered voters were trying especially hard to get it right in a pandemic.  Yes, certainly last minute measures were taken to let mailed-in ballots pile up.  Those would run through the counters after the votes cast on election day, and would outnumber in-person voting (again, because pandemic).

Because voters were trying so hard to have integrity, as a way of clinging to remaining sanity in hard times (they knew their critics were harsh and vigilant), the accusation of widespread hanky panky with the voting machines was just too much of an attack on the heart of the country's pride.  

The implication that Venezuelan malware had outwitted and subverted hard-working college-educated IT bureaucrats, or that vote counting had been outsourced to foreign agents in league with globalists, just seemed too great of an insult to ever forgive in some cubicles.

Our president was saying we can't or don't have free and fair elections no matter how hard we try, and  wanted to substitute his own judgement in such chaotic circumstances, to impose fairness by other means, never before attempted in United States history.  Talk about a Mad Cow disorder. 

People were not up for this circus.  The coup attempt collapsed because it relied on the slippery lie-for-money strategies of the so-called intelligence community ("my cousin overheard Hugo Chavez brag at a party that..."), as unqualified to define intelligence as Mensa.

Yes, beyond these foreground stories, of the District losing its grip, comes a longer backstory in which journalism managed to stop updating people on a lot of the intellectual happenings.  YouTube and such media came to the rescue on that front, and education acceleration with automation is getting us back on track to some degree.

Tuesday, July 05, 2022

Regarding Storytelling

In this blog, which I mix with the idea of Quaker journal (Quakerism encourages journaling), I spend a lot of time wondering what's up with the storytelling industry.  Why do they have such crushing and unimaginative stories for us to live through?

Obviously, I am not the only one asking this question, and after looking into it for awhile, one realizes one is looking at a bucket full of writhing snakes, the "narratives" or "stories" or "scenarios" I'm talking about. I see a lot of them, and I see they're roiling i.e. not lying still.

A narrative is a mnemonic device in large degree.  That doesn't equate to a record of what happened exactly. Maybe a precise factual account is a part of some story somewhere.  Maybe not.  We weave stories to hold facts in our head, or rather to hold points of view.  The latter factors in the aesthetic and moral dimensions of concern to philosophers, if only to keep quiet about say in Wittgenstein's case.

Some stories are considered toxic and/or poisonous in some way.  These stories intertwine with ideologies, sometimes in the form of myth.  To those holding to these stories, they may be comforting and useful. Stories clash, snakes fight, or seem to.  Anything going on this long has to be seen as a natural process, a characteristic of the species.

Have we only been fighting over narratives since the Tower of Babel?  That's a funny question, given how few believe in that story.  Do I mean it seriously?  The question simply points back to our current state of confusion, post Tower.  The confusion seems deep seated.  But was there a time when we didn't have it?  Is that a sensible question at all?

In the primordial or archetypal sense of mythic objects, or guiding lights, we're happy to admit we're not doing physics.  A person interested in physics stories might find the archetypal realm a neighbor because of the continuity we impute, to electrons on the one hand, and to the psychological phenomena on the other.

I've been delving into the literature around the Wolfgang Pauli - Carl Jung collaboration, reminding myself of the tenuous relationships between physics and psychology.  Carl wanted to hold on to his credentials as a man of science, goes the narrative, and his work on "synchronicity" as a concept was an attempt to contribute to the literature of causality.  He was avoiding being labeled a theosophist for example. He didn't want to be a Rudolph Steiner.

Another contributor oft referred to in this context is Isaac Newton, one of the greatest of the physicists. He did not abandon his psychological fascinations either.  The publishing industry and those who sort narratives by genre, probably had more to do with making physics and psychology go their separate ways, than the principal authors, but they never fully succeeded with their enforcement, and the two are always coming together here and there, especially in California.

Told a different way:  alchemy, astrology and religion, rebranded as psychology and thereby remained rooted enough in the sciences to continue making alliances with other sciences.

Friday, July 01, 2022

Goofing Up

Just a little pin prick, a drop of blood, and a spendy strip that feeds the blood into the machine.  I got trained, I performed fine in the training.

It's not my finger.  The poking device elicited the expected "lady bug" size droplet.  However, applying it to the strip wasn't working.  The strip appeared to suck up the lady bug, but the machine refused to process.

Going back to an earlier archeological level, me at Overseas School of Rome (OSR), I remember losing at ping pong in a tournament setting.  In frustration, I threw the racket, pretty hard, and smashed a window.

Dr. Gillespie as was a real MD.  He wasn't licensed to practice in Italy however, and I don't think he needed the work.  He was happy to teach 8th graders instead, and joined the faculty as a full time biology teacher. He taught it like first year medical school in some ways.

Dr. Gillespie extracted my confession. I was hoping no one one notice, or if they did notice (how could they not?) maybe the didn't need the whole story.  However letting me get away with vandalism would've been bad for my character.

What I remember more than dodging blame at first, was how I'd choked in the tournament. I knew that feeling of panic, at a low level, this was ping pong.  But I knew what it meant to wipe out.  I wasn't that great at ping pong to begin with.

I'm scheduled for a retraining with the device, meaning I'll have to get mom over to the medical office buildings again.  We have a date.  I left the first training full of confidence this would be a piece of cake.

I don't see myself as unreliable, but nor do I see myself as immune from wiping out, especially when operating technology I'm unsure about.  Lots of steps, lots of do this then that. I get riled, I get frustrated.  I get this way when I lose stuff, like my car keys, like right before I need to go somewhere, like to teach a class.

I remember going over to assist with that est stuff in the 1980s, taking the PATH train to the New York Area Center in the East Side Port Authority Bus Terminal building.  Sometimes I would be late.  Since the whole assist gig was about looking at oneself and one's patterns, I would get confronted and asked some questions.  

I remember saying how I felt like a caged animal, being late yet unable to go any faster.

Another time I've felt panic is when I'm supposed to go on stage in a cyber environment (on Zoom), not as the host, but as the instructor.  A DJ is supposed to show up and get the meeting going, by showing a banner page with my name on it, and playing music.

When the DJ didn't show up that time, I could do nothing except dismiss the students via Slack, in real time, after an appropriate waiting interval. I felt like a fish out of water, a beached whale.  I tried contacting my counterparts on another continent.

These glitches happen.  I am happy to have a DJ host the channel and still appreciate that setup, even though it has more moving parts.

A sense of goofing up may be multi-level.  One my go through it as an individual, but also as a member of a group or cult (subculture).  

I remember when Multnomah Quakers got thrown into an international controversy when a couple of its volunteer, temporary leaders, promised the meetinghouse to a Radfems, a controversial group, without running it by Business Meeting for prior approval.  

There was a sense of disorientation among the members and attenders, once this news became known. The meeting ended up breaking its promise, from the point of view of the would-be renters of the space.

What I imagine goes on in the District from time to time, is a kind of awakening from groupthink of one kind or another. A collective bubble bursts.  A reality crumbles.  Trump's not getting a second consecutive chance at bat, as the POTUS, was reality-crumbling experience for some.  JFK's abortive presidency was even more jarring.

The goof-up might have been putting too many eggs in one basket.  That happens.  But do the groupthinkers eventually come to see it that way?  

Maybe we have other eggs in other baskets outside the District?

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Saturday, June 25, 2022


Screen Shot 2022-06-25 at 8.06.52 AM

Today is a Saturday.  I've been immersed in data analysis and visualization classes pretty recently (leading them). 

More recently, I've had one or two planning meetings to attend, with FSI and/or TrimTab. I call them planning meetings given the anticipatory designing that goes on, much of it imaginary, like in Critical Path.  

The geoscope near the UN was never built.  Ephermeralization.

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Newtonian Units

I used to do movie reviews rather frequently. I still see movies, but my energies have been directed elsewhere. I will explore ways to move the movies back into my blogs, without necessarily adopting a "movie review" format. 

For example, Quantum of Solace, a Bond film, one I'd so far missed (I've caught the majority I'd hazard, back through several chapters), got me thinking of the concept of Power once again. We started talking power during a TrimTab meeting and I stuck up for the Newtonian meaning: energy per time. 

What's the connection? 

When Bond and the Bolivian hellion need a hotel for the evening, she has this cover story worked out for two teachers, clearly of limited means. The hotel is far less than four star. Bond is having none of it, and insists they have the best most palatial digs anywhere on the circuit. He tells the desk the same story: two teachers... whom've just won the lottery. 

The Bolivian is impressed with Bond's power to spend money like water, and a swiftly flowing river of water at that. 

When nature is being powerful, she's showing off some combination of inertia and pattern-making. She goes for high wattage, but doesn't lose the structure, or if she does, an explosion takes its place, representing what until a moment ago had been more cohesive. 

The stately, one could say placid, flow of the lower Columbia, gets forced through what pass for water wheels on their sides, although we call them turbines today. The torque the river pushes against is that of magnets resisting the steady twirl. The current goes out across the lines at very high voltage, to stepping stations able to reduce the power to match conventional loads. 

Newtonian units also get into Work, not just Power, another politically loaded term. An anti-employee accomplishes negative work, but perhaps by burning the same calories as would a hard worker. Work is measured against a stipulated end state, so that syntropy and entropy compete in the business of making stuff happen. 

Was the design conducive to getting work done in the first place? 

Did anyone even know what the end goal was? 

Entropy might've been high from the beginning. 

Bond is not only burning through funds, he's making an effective difference from the standpoint of the crown. Lower life sycophants may have sold out, but 007's boss, a queen bee, has a lot of faith in his ability to evade her own henchmen. Now there's an interesting pattern for ya.