Saturday, June 18, 2022

Newtonian Units

I used to do movie reviews rather frequently. I still see movies, but my energies have been directed elsewhere. I will explore ways to move the movies back into my blogs, without necessarily adopting a "movie review" format. 

For example, Quantum of Solace, a Bond film, one I'd so far missed (I've caught the majority I'd hazard, back through several chapters), got me thinking of the concept of Power once again. We started talking power during a TrimTab meeting and I stuck up for the Newtonian meaning: energy per time. 

What's the connection? 

When Bond and the Bolivian hellion need a hotel for the evening, she has this cover story worked out for two teachers, clearly of limited means. The hotel is far less than four star. Bond is having none of it, and insists they have the best most palatial digs anywhere on the circuit. He tells the desk the same story: two teachers... whom've just won the lottery. 

The Bolivian is impressed with Bond's power to spend money like water, and a swiftly flowing river of water at that. 

When nature is being powerful, she's showing off some combination of inertia and pattern-making. She goes for high wattage, but doesn't lose the structure, or if she does, an explosion takes its place, representing what until a moment ago had been more cohesive. 

The stately, one could say placid, flow of the lower Columbia, gets forced through what pass for water wheels on their sides, although we call them turbines today. The torque the river pushes against is that of magnets resisting the steady twirl. The current goes out across the lines at very high voltage, to stepping stations able to reduce the power to match conventional loads. 

Newtonian units also get into Work, not just Power, another politically loaded term. An anti-employee accomplishes negative work, but perhaps by burning the same calories as would a hard worker. Work is measured against a stipulated end state, so that syntropy and entropy compete in the business of making stuff happen. 

Was the design conducive to getting work done in the first place? 

Did anyone even know what the end goal was? 

Entropy might've been high from the beginning. 

Bond is not only burning through funds, he's making an effective difference from the standpoint of the crown. Lower life sycophants may have sold out, but 007's boss, a queen bee, has a lot of faith in his ability to evade her own henchmen. Now there's an interesting pattern for ya.