Monday, November 28, 2022


prospectus: [noun] a preliminary printed statement that describes an enterprise (such as a business or publication) and that is distributed to prospective buyers, investors, or participants.

I'd put the emphasis on "participants" but in the vernacular one participates because one "buys in" and/or "invests" in a particular way to go, lets call it a lifestyle. You wanted to be in the movies? Don't tell me you're not recording right now. And right now. So be a star, you're on.

Anyway, the above YouTube has the flavor of a New Years type recap, where I'm projecting forward based on the both recent and more distant past.  The Urbit theme is somewhat new.  Martian versus Terran is more ancient, and connects to a certain Digital Math in the Digital Forest.

Quakerism is a theme for me, and my channel, but I'm not proselytizing so much as perpetuating that New England Transcendentalist tendency to transcend current normal lifestyles and try (experiment with) new things.  Quakers wanted to try ending slavery, upgrading mental health care facilities, humanizing prisons.

The promise of the open West in Westward-Ho! years was space to try stuff, to build in an empty canvas, but of course bringing along one's own demons and cultural baggage, aye, there's the rub.  But in this age of coast to coast zoning, the challenge is more one of leveraging density.  

Urban areas have long experimented with packing many ethnicities into overlapping enclaves.  Yes, there's been gang violence and yes, there've been advances in self governance.  We've taken these lessons of "getting along" to the large scale outdoor events, such as Rainbow Gathering (which I hasten to add I have yet to attend in person, but many in my cohort did), or Burning Man.  Or Woodstock (not the 1999 one).  Vortex One.

Alan Potkin, Viet Vet, educated me about Vortex One, and Oregon's role.  This is one of the few "counter-culture" events developed with overt state government support.  But then lets think how important the Oregon Country Fair is to Eugene and surroundings.  Think also of what a disaster Rajneesh Puram became, because the relationship with Salem (and of course Antelope) was adversarial.

The edge to work on is "camping" (the fun part of military campaigning), considered a recreational activity and leftover relic of self-reliance lifestyles, as also practiced in "Nomadland".  Urban street camping is in no way sexy.  FEMA camps, helping with drug rehab, are only feared, believed by praying Christians to be filled with state of the art guillotines, meant for them.  Meanwhile, we die from oxy.

The key to good camp design is transparency and a good mix of personnel, such as we had at Occupy Portland.  True, police steered all their long time hard cases in our direction, to see if we had ways of coping they didn't.  We did, but without sufficient sanitation, we were hardly in it for the long term.  OPDX was "doomed" from the beginning, but as I've posted elsewhere, we executed an orderly pullout, with some not getting the message.

Lots of therapist yoga teacher types would like to staff MASH units for the refugee addicts, if provided with sufficient sanitation.  That's the kind of asylum city we need to prototype anyway, for fast deployment where needed.  Our population is in the prototyping business.  You can call them paid lab rats, but then you can call me that too, paid with my daily bread I thank the Lord for, meaning not you (smile).

Hey, on that subject, I get it about thanking The Lord for His bounty (a Thanksgiving theme) in lieu of making one's obeisance to the Sheriff.  Democracy and monotheism are not a contradiction in terms, as in making God the King (yes I'm sticking to patriarchal motifs, sounding old timey) we're depriving any human peer of that role.  We're the sheeple, so don't get uppity and start calling yourself "our shepherd" or anything -- not unless we elect you, with term limits.

Likely a lot of this chatter sounds kind of alien, and of Cascadian origin.  Who thinks about "OPDX" (Occupy Portland) or Vortex in this day and age, let alone Rajneesh Puram?  I do, as the son of a city and regional planner, with a career starting in Portland, and with a long term interest in zoning and urban growth boundaries and such.  

But yes, in terms of demographics I'm more "barely off the reservation" in some respects, and a dark side of my Quakers might involve flashing lights and casino bling, as seen in carnivals.  I'm referring of course to Casino Math, my label for combinatorics and risk management (CROs study here).  In terms of the Cascadian economy (ecosystem), some of the funds funnel through Oregon State Lottery, and also the N8V network establishments (Tulalip, Stillaguamish, Grande Ronde... a long list of nations).