Monday, August 14, 2023

Touring in the Silicon Forest

Ancestral Roots

The exact boundaries of the Silicon Forest are nowhere specified to my knowledge. Although one may make the case it all started in Asylum District, my neighborhood, on Hawthorne Boulevard, with Tektronix and Electro-Scientific Industries, there's no need to get that specific about its origins, either.

In my own thinking, since we're talking often about Casino Math, and the many tribes intrinsic to the region, and given casinos are likewise vast data centers, Silicon Forest is to some degree a N8V American enterprise. From that platform, we embrace the Pacific Rim economies. If the Pacific is an American Lake (a nickname in this region), it's also a N8V American lake (that's just descriptive).

Although we drove by many casinos on this tour, we didn't go in. Instead we talked about the binomial theorem and probability from the standpoint of Pascal's Triangle, a grand central station, a focal point, on Maths Planet (with lots of train tracks coming and going), and the theme of the M4W movie currently under development, Andrius Kulikauskas directing. He's shortly to fly off to visit his brother, likewise an artist.

This was also a family visit for both of us. After leaving Andrius with his sis, I visited my haunts further north and this time managed to visit the grave of my great great grandmother, Lena Bjorklund. Her daughter Helena married Swan Person (Beth was able to find their marriage certificate in a heartbeat) and the rest is history, with Mercer Island a focus.

We pulled over in an all-electric Mustang (cooler than a Tesla if you ask me) and were thinking "the Jetsons" i.e. here we are in that 21st Century far future people wondered about. We're the colonists of that time. We're colonizing the future, that is, a space we create together.

SciFi Ville

Andrius asked me how Oregon Curriculum Network connects to Silicon Forest high schools. "By abduction" mostly, to steal a meme from Peirce the Pragmatist. I work backwards from the future, leveraging hindsight (mine to concoct), assuming folks wake up to the potential of the IVM and 4D in complement to the XYZ and 3D (the normie stuff).

In be-knighting Andrius "the ErdÅ‘s of Wierdos" I wasn't meaning to be offensive or insulting. Rather, I'm extending the Esozone language, Subgenius tinged (overlap: "slack"), wherein "weirdos" form a peripheral network surrounding centralized normies (the normal mainstream programmed). 

You could call us "unprogrammed" (as some Friends do) but I'd prefer "auto-programmed" as in highly customized (by God, by prayer, by Bob, by whatever).  Andrius, like me, is sometimes itinerant, plus he recognizes and chronicles some really talented individuals, most of them likewise into esoterica.

Esoteric knowledge is not the same as Occult: the latter working overtime to deliberately obscure itself. Esoterica is often in full throttle outreach mode, yet nevertheless has limited appeal, because the content is difficult and challenging, like mountain climbing, or like endocrinology. 

The Silicon Forest is deeply into the esoterica of metallurgy and electronic bit manipulation (software development). That doesn't make us occult in the sense of secretive (unless you mean patent protective). We invite visitors. We invite tourists. We also tour.

Great Great Grandmother