Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Extra-Dimensional ETs

The back and forth Andrius shared, regarding his rejected math contest video, reminds me of the ordeal I went through with Bridges that time. 

True, I hadn't jumped through all the hoops regarding formatting. I'd been hoping for encouragement and a chance to do a final set of fixes in response to editor feedback. No such luck. They didn't like my focus on "wedges" (the Synergetics modules). I saved some stuff on EduSig about it.

However this isn't about me and my travails. All that happened a long time ago. Andrius and I collaborated on this latest, as did Ryan. However I counseled ahead of time he might run into problems, if this were a mathy community at all similar to the Bridges one. I reiterated my points in a postmortem analysis.

We live in tender times, when ETs might be squeezing into our reality from an inter-dimensional one, according to Congressional hearings. If ETs can do this, why not Russian trolls?

The pundits brought on a Harvard physicist countering that we should not need new physics e.g. string theory, which owns the multi-dimensional stuff, to explain (or explain away) the UAPs and their pilots. 

UAP pilots are made of ordinary meat until proved otherwise. Races of multi-dimensionals need not clutter our conceptual horizons.

Of course said physicist was wrong to circle the wagons around multi-dimensional stuff in the name of string theory, as the former has been a vista feature long before the latter made its reach for the brass ring, as the carousel turns. String theory capitalized on pre-existing art is what I'm saying.

We've chronicled the rise of hypercross dogmatism in these blogs and elsewhere, starting with Edwin Abbott's Flatland, and in connection with non-Euclidean geometry and the various art movements going back to P. D. Ouspensky (1878 - 1947), Claude Bragdon (1866 - 1946),  and before. 

The idea of a "fourth dimension" didn't first come up in connection with Einstein, and once you have four, the sky's the limit.

Bucky Fuller (1895-1983) threw his hat in the ring around this time (4D Time Lock, 1927), with his own 4D meme, which he continued to shepherd, making ripples in that shared n-dimensional space of vectorized word-meanings. 

When you have enough dimensions, you can have a lot of close friends that might not be that close to, or even aware of, each other. The freedom to associate, without guilt by association, is an important freedom.

Nowadays, we're free to use multi-dimensional models in ML without thinking twice about the "spiritual implications" i.e. talk of higher dimensions no longer inspires any sense of religious awe, either towards a supreme being, or towards minor beings, e.g. priests, who might know SB's mind better. 

We use higher dimensions in the linear algebra sense, with no sense of mysticism. We're computing credit-worthiness for mortgage lending for crying out loud. 

Enough with the inter-dimensional ETs already. We need some sexier language. "Astral planes" are dated too.