Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Boosting Visibility

The Youtube channel has been wending its way through the details of C6XTY, as a way of familiarizing viewers, without needing to own the material (plastic in this case), with a space frame known to NASA space station designers as the octet truss.  Bell (the telephone guy) used it to make what he called "kites" (also towers).

A reason for those bends in the story line is Sam's decision to open a popup gallery in downtown Portland, just east of the North Park Blocks, between the US Customs House building, and the Pacific Northwest College of Art.  The Youtubes could mix in with other screen projections, as standalone movies (media files).  We won't need to stream over the network, in other words.  Visitors will have their own cell phones (if they so choose).

Tonight I found myself commenting on Willamette Week whereas not so long ago my commentary turned to Joe Rogan, Abby Martin the guest, with Oliver Stone and "Man X" among the topics.

Although I'm an older "pensive cowboy" type, reminiscent of some more high desert stereotype (an Oregonian from Redmond maybe?), I'm able to keep up with a lot of the big city banter, such as we find in Willamette Week regarding the latest developments on the punk scene.

I'm media-savvy enough to maybe have something new to say.  I get to be trendy, from time to time.

I'm touching the bases in the Youtube arena, shall we say.  I'm not going for megachurch status, in terms of viewership, however I do want to have my ducks sufficiently in a row to stay intelligible.  For that reason, more recent Youtubes, when not focused on the CCP, have been documenting 4D Solutions (the DBA) and the Oregon Curriculum Network (OCN), sculpting them to have clear definitions.