Sunday, September 14, 2008

Songs in the Studio

:: photo by captain wardwell ::
Clear Creek Distillery shares space with this art studio, where we gathered tonight to hear Lucinda Parker, the vocalist, accompanied by Jon Bunce on guitar.

They performed Four Favorite Sonnets by Jon Bunce, including Ozymandius by Shelly (1792 - 1822) and Euclid Alone Has Looked by Edna St. Vincent Millay (1892 - 1950). Lucinda also sang some tunes collected by Mátyás Seiber, an Hungarian Jew who fled to London just in time, was much later killed in a car crash in South Africa, like my dad.

Ay Me She Frowns by Francis Pilkington (1565 - 1638) was the opening number, a song to sing to your girlfriend when you've pissed her off, was the story there.

Lucinda's husband Steve runs the distillery, known for its brandies made from fruits from Mt. Hood. I'm reminded of the pear brandy of Bumthang Valley (Druk Yul) not surprisingly given the Swiss heritage behind both.

Hot Lips pizza and primo wines were enjoyed by all.

Jon remarked how the staff at the Apple Store, where he just bought a new Mac, wore color coded uniforms reminiscent of Star Trek's, in denoting techie, officer, or communications. He asked about it, but the staffer didn't know about TV that old.

I was reminded of that juror who wore a Star Trek outfit to court, using her brief moment of fame to make a statement.