Jon "maddog" Hall wrote an eloquent tribute to machine language, as "the Latin of Computer Science" in the current issue of Linux Journal (Sun's Phipps on the cover), column starting on page 32.
He opens and closes with reference to his boat Agape. Shades of Meliptus, which is back in the water by the way, after a mishap, fortunately not too serious, and another stay, a short one this time, at Gary's. Although relatively unskilled, I helped roll some paint.
Jon Bunce the musician (and Wanderer) was kind enough to comb through Connecting the Dots... scanning for syntactical issues. I incorporated many of his improvements in the most recent edition, though I didn't turn the endnotes into footnotes.
I'm circling in on Pygame, including on Ubuntu, which is more my speed of "low level" programming i.e. where I get the most bang for my buck. VPython is also still fun for me.
Today our bike route took in the Hawthorne and Steel Bridges, per usual, then Springwater Corridor, from its Ross Island beginning as far as Oaks Bottom, then back along Milwaukie stopping this time at True Brew, thence Ladd's Addition and on home.
I'm glad to have reconnected with Deb, am looking forward to Liana's bat mitzvah. Glenn said his premier showing went well and he's had several offers from distributors. Russ, where are you?