I drove down to PKL today resolute to close shop, because of the only unfree wireless situation, only to discover a weak signal (not MetroFi's) which I'm currently using. I'll truck away some items anyway, as I still think closure is the most likely outcome, with a reopening somewhere else.
On math-teach we've turned our focus to teacher quality in Illinois, the computer science teachers are threshing about discrete math, while over on Synergeo (#30932) I'm dissing the Clinton administration for the bombing of Belgrade (consistently with my views at the time).
That's pretty much my beat these days, not making toons in ToonTown, which'd be my druthers. So maybe I'll get that promotion? I should have a talk with my boss. Plus I still have my other hats to wear.
Wanderers is hosting a 3rd talk in a series re Sacred Geometry tonight, Stockton and I having delivered the first two. Micheal Sunanda is bussing up from Eugene. He's another character I'd stick in my stable of stars in a heartbeat, had I a stable. Well, I've got these journals at least (my so-called blogs).
Speaking of journals, when is Earlham College ever gonna put George Fox's on line, John Woolman's, in blog format, with proper back dating? Too difficult? Hey, maybe that's not work Earlham ever signed up for! Other takers then? Friends'd benefit by having these earlier Quaker journals on line as blogs, easily linked from today's Quakers' postings.