Monday, August 26, 2024

Tell Us More

Hey "Mayor Pete", tell us more about digital license plates. Are license number-letter combos allowed to repeat? Ever? Can I pay to have a movie plate only a few people might recognize?  

All the best vanity plates will be gone soon. I wanted FOMO.

DLPs: not his problem!

We don't bother the old and infirm with brain twisty questions about Digital License Plates, but you're Transportation Secretary and they promised us progress. 

We don't have to wait for Optimus to get a driver's license (and insurance) before we get to work on the license plate upgrades plan, including at the District level.

DLPs: his problem!

What is happening with the DMV? Let's hear from Mayor Pete, the DMV Czar. 

Remember, we're still car crazy. America hasn't changed that much.  And truck crazy.  

Added to bucket list: joining the inner circle of Texan and other long haul truckers who drive the OBOR network in Eurasia.