Thursday, June 27, 2024

Just Use It

Athena with Python

Speaking of osmosis and diffusion, I summoned up this mnemonic of Athena (the goddess) with her Python. 

Exactly how Athena and the Python relate in Greek mythos is complicated and would take a long time to chronicle if going by what's already in the record. However our goal is not to scrape through all the layers of wallpaper so much as to apply yet another tomographic pattern, sensitive to the same grooves (archetypes).

Whereas the German Idealists and depth psychology groundbreakers liked to counterpose Apollo with Dionysus, symbolizing a sunny rationality versus a countervailing more emotive, more irrational panpsychism, our Athena springs directly from the mind of Zeus and is plenty rational. Yet her disciples at Delphi speak in a dreamy, oracular, white noise of a language, inspired by vapors wafting up from the chthonic Python's cavern under Mt. Parnassus.

So when Apollo moves in to take over the Delphi complex and, by Apollonian accounts, proves victorious against the snake, resistant counter-intelligence, from the prior paradigm, is not Dionysian but that combo of war and wisdom for which Athena was renowned. 

The snake escaped, in our fork off canon. Athena's guild had new business in the New World to attend to, even as Old Europe fell under the spell of an Apollonian hegemon battling anti-science Bacchanalians, the reasonable versus the unthinking.

The good people of Nashville accepted their new Parthenon with open arms, a fully restored version of the one at Athens itself. The other pavilions and monuments were allowed to fade away, but Athena stayed, standing tall, her penchant for music consistent with her mastery of fight songs (trumpet) and propaganda (flute).

Python the computer language diffused throughout STEAM, then crossed the A bridge, from STEAM to PATH, via Natural Language Processing (NLP). The humanities crowd, including later versions of German Idealists, are now able to follow more of the math, thanks to Athena's pythonic mind in this Aquarian Age. The infusion of smarts via Anthropology (or the Arts) is bidirectional. Apollonian brittle rigidity becomes more flexibly pneumatic, for a smoother, safer ride.