Tuesday, July 07, 2015

Animusic 2 (movie review)

The Animusic music videos are among my favorite.  These surreal instrument-robots would be too hard to make work flawlessly.  These animations are almost a parody in that they show physical objects of great complexity working way better than anything real of that complexity ever would for very long.  This is especially true of the bouncing balls segment.  Balls would never be that well behaved, and yet the paradox is everything seems completely determined by the recognized laws of physics.

Also unrealistic (hence surreal) is the mistake-free execution of the music.  Of course we're used to that from machine music and studio recordings.  People do things until they're perfect, and with cartoon animation, the computer is in charge from the beginning.  Nothing can go wrong.  Again, almost a parody.

The music is more than decent and the coupling of the animations to the synth is perfectly done.

My liking this music video hearkens back to my general fascination with anthropomorphic art i.e. human-like yet inhuman creatures.  The musicians in Animusic are all robotic.  But then music has historically been a prime area for innovation, of automation, of player-pianos, drum machines... so although surreal, it's familiar territory, and the machinery is highly believable in its visual construction.

If these musical vistas are unrealistic it's because these machine world operations are simply too quiet and too smooth.  The machinery itself does not squeak; only the most friction-free and precisely built watches run that silently.  We have to surrender to belief in a higher civilization, more capable than ours, until we remember:  this is "just" animation, and we're really able to pull off some magic when it comes to keeping it unreal.