Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Day One at DjangoCon

Steve Holden served as master of ceremonies this morning. I got roped in as mic runner during Q&A, a role with which I'm familiar (I was mic runner for Sir Roger Penrose once, another great mind).

The upshot of the first plenary: the Django community is doing a fantastic job of promoting Python's relevance to the "world livingry service industry" (like hotels, rental car agencies and such) however developers are in short supply.

Universities with "emergent technologies" tracks are more likely to be providing some relevant content. Many remain decades behind. In my own view (it's my blog so I get one): high schools could be doing a lot more. Again, I circle the Litvins' text as prototypical, already retrofitted for Python 3.x.

One footnote: now that the Django Pony has become so woven into the lore, some geeks are feeling leery. Is it too late to back away? Certainly not everyone feels this way, but yeah, there's that potential for teasing, of being teased, because of one's "flippant" (the word used) mascot.

Steve took the bull by the horns by suggesting we're duty-bound to keep it light in some dimensions, and the Django Pony is the very embodiment of lightness (and yet also opens the psyche to investigations of disappointment, being spoiled, optimism versus pessimism and so forth, not to mention the innocence of youth).