I'm still in the midst of teaching Pythonic Math via Saturday Academy of course, so I've purchased meals in a pattern around that. Given mom's and Tara's schedules are likewise unique, our registration was like an old IBM punch card, lots of holes in a peculiar pattern.
Quakers like operating at a low detailed level like that (which can drive others crazy), are an assembly language type religion, I suppose one might say. An entirely new software application tends to get written for each NPYM convergence, this time being no exception. It looked to be in Microsoft Access (mine was in FoxPro).
I used to think that was wasteful, but we live in an age of one-offs, more like what happens in the art world around paintings (including the limited editions, poster versions and so on).
Given BCFM sponsors its children, I'd deducted that as expected support from my total, but the algorithm interpreted that as "in addition" to the built-in child deduction, ergo I must be getting a refund, which made little sense, as I'd paid nothing yet. Once we fixed that problem, I wrote a DWA check in the amount of some $128, to cover our costs (check 11730).