Friday, February 07, 2025

Owning Gaza


I understand the protective impulse. Many in the Pentagon would love to get orders to defend the Palestinians and help them to safety. Forcing them to stay in a demolition zone, with their affairs administered by their destroyer, still trying to starve them, does seem inhumane in the extreme.

Step one towards making Palestine a true Diaspora State is to grant its citizens their human rights as free agents, able to bounce around the world the way many USers do, or did in their jet set youth, before new economic realities, such as retirement, made such travel less affordable. 

Expressions of the US taking ownership, while hard to interpret into international law, conveyed at least some sense of taking responsibility and wanting to do right by the surviving Gazans. Of course not all Pentagoners are so charitably disposed, which is why I've long placed its icon on both corners of the GST diagram.

The Virtual States model is about any and every state seeing itself as a planetary agency, however spread about and/or concentrated in specific cities and campuses, port facilities, museums and so on. 

My convoy of cruise ships, Disney's among them, poised to evacuate victims of a monstrous attack, was science fiction when first proposed, with branding added for realism. The discussion then turned to where were these rescue ships going? I had some ideas. 

Given the White House rhetoric, one might think "to the Americas" in many cases. But with what sense of permanence? Clearly the evacuation should not be coerced, with more campus facilities being constructed locally for those electing to remain at the demolition and construction sites. Many would welcome a temporary leave of absence.

My Asylum City drawing boards have been about serving refugees more generally, and creating meaningful work in the process, especially for those in the health care, shelter, and transportation businesses, in addition to everyday support logistics (food, water, clean air). 

The NGOs have their prototyping functions, per Project Renaissance. The cities all learn from each other.

The goal of a refugee family is not to get lost in some bureaucracy as nameless numbers, but to get itself well documented and wired up to support services. Having such a goal would require trust on the part of the family vs-a-vs the bureaucracy in question. 

Obviously no one is eager to aid and abet their hunter-attackers, which is why a kind of firewall has been proposed, providing refugees with a degree of privacy as well as protection.

How the process of extending documentation and protection to all humans aboard Spaceship Earth actually pans out depends a lot on how aware of the challenges the various systems architects have become, thanks to their training and previous experience. 

Many systems architects have been seeing through the lens of the United Nations. Putting on USG glasses just makes the world seem crazy-distorted when coming from such a place. The Tower of Babel is still a reality, especially where Abrahamic religions, and their spinoffs, are concerned.