G4C: a Gathering for Carol.
One of Carol’s TRC associates in Lesotho reached out some time ago for some links. Maseru folks have been processing her passing, two years ago yesterday, on January 30 of 2023.
She (mom) was born in 1929 and lived to be 93. Husband: Jack Urner (dad); Kids: Julie (my sister) and me.
We were of course aware of the date here, with Tara visiting. Sheila Goldberg called, well-knowing the date, and sending a well-meaning heads up regarding the active volcano some 300 miles off the Oregon Coast.
The day before, we celebrated Chinese New Year. Dr. DiNucci joined us. He played a big role in Carol’s care, especially when it came to those blood tests, home administered after awhile.
Fortunately, said submarine volcano, while quite likely to blow, even this year is, not of the kind likely to beget either an earthquake or a tsunami, Oregon being vulnerable to both.
TRC: Transformation Resource Center.