Perhaps to more clearly register my disdain for ethnicities which indulge in race talk, I’ll revert to “Caucasoidal” and maybe go back to “Negroid” and “Negroidal”.
I was listening to Candace Owens going on around whether candidate Harris was truly black or just colored, and whether she was a deplorable horrible person for cooking collard greens in the bathtub, and sharing a recipe online.
For Owens, this was posturing, whereas for me it sounded like a genetically complex individual (aren’t we all) attempting to convey her ethnicity, which contained this and that in some Venn Diagram. We could call greens a southern food without getting too chromosomal or hormonal about it. Does Kamala also eat crawdads?
Also, in popular parlance, even though the courts had desegregated schools on paper, it still wasn’t happening, because, as Candace points out, people tended to live in segregated neighborhoods because of history. Segregation is a social phenomenon, and even if Apartheid is over, that doesn’t mean the ghetto townships are gone.
Just saying: stuff on paper, through legislation, is not the whole difference and may make next to no difference at all, as when people flaunt the law, or perhaps scoff at it. “Thou shalt not discriminate against Russian speakers”. Yeah right, I can hear the ridicule among an inflamed Russophobic populace (hypothetical). Private clubs (e.g. NATO) might still keep them out, whole gated communities.
I’m happy to see Kamala as a small girl, feeling herself to be in the front line against desegregation even though bussing wasn’t in itself the legal act of desegregation, which happened earlier in her region, through the courts and legislation.
Or rather, it was new policy aiming to standardize the schools in some meaningful sense, rather than by appealing to some pie-in-the-sky court decision.
I just didn’t see a need for Owens to sound so scandalized, because in her little book of definitions, the fight against desegregation had already been won by the time Kamala was a school girl in Berkeley. That’s sleight of hand, to make courts the authority, and not anthropologists.
In asking if we really want to go back to talking about octamaroons and race as some kind of blood substance, Kamala is hoping the answer is no, that we aren’t really that fixated on genetic makeup.
But Candace herself, racially Negroid, says the answer is yes, we want to speak precisely in racial terms (an oxymoron). As a Caucasoid, I’ll leave that to her then, as I don’t believe it can be done.