Monday, September 11, 2023

Low IQ Valley

Speaking of rebuilding, and low IQ periods resulting in gross destruction, I woke up to a guy on YouTube in England, bemoaning some aviation shutdown owing to some miss-entered record, and how it took a long time to debug the problem, resulting in chaos and cancelations system-wide. His worry is less capable people are filling the shoes of their progenitors, and leaking away organizational knowledge and skills. He’s seeing a brain drain, in other words.

I’m in my own IQ valley, having misdiagnosed a basement plumbing situation and only awakened to the reality this morning. I had been blaming outside rain, versus a kitchen drain. 

On top of that, I may have fumbled a transaction yesterday, and left a Visa card in limbo. I’ve got it locked and have a place to check when it opens, before I declare the card lost.  One could say such valleys represent everyday mundane challenges and when one is looking ahead towards a task, there’s always that self assessment that goes on. Am I up to it?

I have optimistic stories too, about the world’s IQ. Our level of self awareness “as humanity” has improved, thank you National Geographic and other architects of global consciousness. The airlines for sure. 

Aerospace did end up integrating our intellect in a major way, though marred by psychological complexes associated with Ken World militarism. Perhaps my readers have a different diagnosis. “Conditioned reflexes” is an umbrella term, for those mental habits that serve one well, until some no longer do. 

There’s an ongoing process of self rehabilitation (self healing), best undertaken oneself and voluntarily, in one’s capacity as an autodidact. I need to keep doing my homework, along my work-study track in the Global U.