Friday, April 07, 2023

Planet of Ghosts

I have to admit I find it uncanny, in the sense of eerie, to the point of creepy, that we're having dark ages tank wars in the eastern hemisphere ("the east") these days.  I'll even call it "the Orient" because it sounds so quaint, even though I'm using it differently, to include Europe in Eurasia.  I live in "the Occident" (accident?).  OK, maybe not.  Just a thought (trial balloon?). Too much of a mouthful.  East and West.

To me, it's like:  lots of psychological processing never completed during the WWs (world wars) so now we're up from the grave, back on our feet, doing the same ideological battles.  It's like Season Four already.  The names may have changed.  It's still that steady stream of corpses, back to the graveyard, to fight again another day.

In one corner, the NeoRomans (NATO star), proud descendants of an imperial mindset, filtered through the UK, and now bubbling over with pomp and circumstance in their capital city, one Washington, DC.  In the other corner (letter Z), their arch foe:  the Mongols.  Genghis Khan's vast armies, slanty-eyed behind a Slavic Caucasian visage, must be stopped with "high mars" (some kind of rocket system?).

My conceit (literary trope) from my YouTube channel is I'm like "coming from the future".  All this happened long ago, on a planet far far away, and I'm visiting.  I turn on the news and remember how people walked and talked way back then.  So many dead languages.  So cryptic, or so sepulchral as E.J. Applewhite (spook) used to put it (mocking himself in some ways).

I guess the segue to AI is Language, in the sense of "dead already".  Caught in the web are the sentients, the empaths, the beings. I feel compassion for them (for us) somewhat the deaf-mutes (blind too) of Machine World.  The channels of communication are taken up with ghostly chatter, as usual, as humanity (the program, a tale told by an idiot) stumbles forward, the eternal retard. 

Wisdom is from the sentient side (I'm not talking about compulsive outrage, or fits of righteous fury, temper tantrums, puppet shows), and still helps shape the debate (using leverage), always hoping to channel all this vibrant energy towards more compassionate, less horrific, world game playing.  Something fresher and more innovative than digging out the decaying weapons and staging fight club with them.