Take the color dimension, for example. A corporate kindergarten mindset, frequented by unimaginative bureaucrats, wants the ethnicity picture simplified as follows: a laminated panel of emoji faces, randomly ordered as red, yellow, brown, black, white.
You are one of these, or a mix. Unless you insist on filling in Other, just pick the one you're the most of and don't make a big fuss about it.
Anti-Racists despise this simplification to five or nine or twenty-nine colors. A single color dimension is insufficient to map a complex territory.
The mono-dimensional thinkers just what to impose an order they understand. If there's strife within that order, e.g. yellow versus brown, that's OK, because at least it's according to the framework.
It's when world events seem to have nothing to say to mono-dimensional thinkers that they get nervous, as they should, as they aren't "the meek" about to inherit the earth many imagine themselves to be. No points in heaven for the five color race game, sorry.