Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Visiting The Open Bastion

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I've mostly holed up in a corner office, not the one at Lyrik, my HQS for the longest time, as that place has vanished, but somewhere in the same neighborhood.

Today though, I wandered down Hawthorne to Common Ground where I opened a tab.  Bagels and lox plate for lunch, downed with more coffee and a lemon Pellegrino, followed by, more than an hour later, berry pie for dessert.

I tend to treat myself well when slaving, er slaying.  That sounds Buffyesque, intentionally.  I enjoy the resonance.

Dave DiNucci was there, a fellow Wanderer, formerly NASA, a computer geek (with CSC for awhile I'm pretty sure, like Lindsey was before reporting to my office).

Then I wandered back to The Open Bastion and slayed some more.  A first floor walk up, counting ground as T as Italians do.  Tara worked here a lot this summer, recruiting sponsors.

At OSCON she met a young woman crewing a bizmo who boasted she'd be retiring at 23 and "never needing to work again".

That's not the physics meaning of "work", or at least of "energy".  Just to breath is to work.  Gamma rays are doing work.  Work is just change, once you take away its value, a moral and economic quality.

We've been yakking about all this on the PER list, physicists and chemists, with the occasional information theorist, all talking about Entropy, what a mess (smile).  This is the Buffalo University archived list I joined with encouragement from Dr. Bob Fuller.

Patrick was hard at work on some art, which I photographed for this blog post, as it's promoting my workshop or talk or whatever.  I shared with PPUG and Chipy about it, also edu-sig.  There's a group signed up already.


On the way between Common Ground and The Open Bastion, I came upon a colorful kid, tooting his own horn so to speak (I'm not sure if it was his literally, or if borrowed from some temple -- we have a number of those around here).

Little Buddha

I've seen other child buskers on the street recently. You don't have to be an adult to be talented.

Child Busker

Speaking of "little people" as Laurie Todd calls them, I've been thinking more about how to bring new life to the grandparent - grandchild loop. These are the people with time on their hands, and a natural tendency to want to bridge generations.  The people in the middle, the parents, the teenagers, are just too busy, poor them.

I've been thinking about these Internet BizMos (see BizMo Diaries for more on the "business mobile" concept) that travel between "nursing homes" trying to sales pitch adding more from Cyberia.

You want the old folks to catch up, thems that wanna. And so you run like an anthropology course. You encourage talk about social trends (but not too much talk as they'll have time enough to listen to themselves when the van-like thing, the UDO, has departed).  You continually sample the subcultures, letting 'em know what's "out there".

Youtube genres and long-running themes: LOL cats. Fail compilations. Annoying Orange.... Mandelbulbs.  Oh, and yes there might be that so-called erotic stuff.  We could sanitize a cupid site if the home had a policy.  There's a lot of material to get through so it's not like we actually stop at Trevi Fountain.  Just throw your coins for good luck and remember it was real.

I forgot to write, in my review of Monsters University, how much the not-scary guy reminded me of Annoying Orange. Scholars take note.

But we don't just skate along the surface. The Global U, maybe via Cyberia, will help you learn Python too, so you can learn it with your grand kids. Study it together. Not just Python (computer language) but all kinds of things cyber.

Which is not to forsake the "real world" of insects and flowers 'n stuff -- is National Geographic avoiding that world, by only having pictures and not the real thing? Nonsense, right? You do what you can, with the media you're given.