Monday, September 24, 2007

Busy Monday

Today included a lot meetings, interesting and full of surprises.

But first, I started my day by watching a lecture by Randy Pausch (Carnegie Mellon... Alice) recommended by Guido, and by helping Tara figure out how to add wings to her cats in Sims 2.


Glenn and I were on Wanderers' business at Peet's, focusing on web tech in particular, cascading style sheets, managing interns. Then we walked over to Powell's on Hawthorne so I could by all the remaining Good Magazine copies (the issue with a guide to Bucky starting on page 89), including one copy for Glenn.

At Esan (great Thai food downtown), I mainly listened as others surfed in the flextegrity namespace over yellow curry. Staff very kindly let us gab past closing.

Then a meeting with Adam Reid of LÊP High, Portland's most innovative public charter high school, newly ensconced in new digs on East Burnside, and running Ubuntu.

Diane and I (both on a Quaker planning committee) shared slides at Fine Grind (cute pandas!).

Then a quick trip up (and down) Mt. Tabor on Tink (part of the daily discipline).

Then Wanderer Greg Kramer is reading at Powell's on Hawthorne, which brings me up to date.

Time to go back and catch some more of Greg's gig.


Back to Fine Grind for meeting with Don, who'd been in the front row listening to Greg, and afterwards chatting with Portland musician Lisa Mann.

Mom helped me get the garbage out for the usual Tuesday pickup.

Time to read up on the Centralia Massacre, plus I have one copy of Good Magazine remaining.