These scans are of 1996 documents, retrieved from my basement, and reflective of two different projects I was engaged in at the time.

CLAIR = "Cath Lab Angiograms and Interventions Registry" a Visual Foxpro application I wrote for inhouse clinical data collection, to facilitate outcomes research. My CORIS, or "CVOR Outcomes Research Information System" was in the same genre. The above page was from Andy Bennett's write-up for our Center for Outcomes Research (CORE). Both systems have long since been retired in favor less home grown systems written by larger teams.

Back in 1996,
United Voices (UV) was Mary Ann Prado's project at the Portland AFSC, focusing mostly on youth sharing Asia-Pacific ethnicities plus attending local area public high schools.
Our LAAP program (LAAP = "Latin America Asia-Pacific Program") had its own subprogram and director,
Marco Mejia from Ecuador, for Latino youth cultures, running convergently / divergently on a "parallel" track. We produced
Voz Juvenile for local cable TV viewers.
Through LAAP, I ended up serving on the AFSC Corporation, which meant occasional paid flights to the Northeast, where I'd also visit old haunts in Jersey, plus hang out with Fuller collaborators Kiyoshi and Ed, Chris Fearnley of SNEC, artist Kenneth Snelson in New York City, other friends and relations.