Saturday, April 15, 2006

More from London

I went to the Bodies exhibit at Earl's Court this afternoon, which comes across more as a medical science exhibit than an art exhibit. Viewer couples would sometimes nuzzle, reminded of their love amidst all this awesome machinery.

Then I checked out the human development, and minerals and meteorite sections of the Natural History Museum (plus the gift shop). The latter venue was especially crowded with families from many places around our globe. London is cosmopolitan in that way, another world city.

On television, bodies of the living mix memes with a vengeance, stirring up old fears of new conflicts. A common inspections protocol with a ban on weaponizing fissile materials everywhere would seem a worthy policy goal. WMDs are a crime against humanity, duh.

Making this be about hot button issues just muddies the waters, but then positive futurism is not in vogue these days, at least not on CNN.

The plan is to rejoin my family in Portland by the end of Easter Sunday. Staying this extra day cut the airfare in half. I wanted to give the Shuttleworth Foundation the most bang for its buck, plus a day for sightseeing was fun -- and now I'm ready to be home.

I'm grateful to have access to Nancy's flat tonight, which is full of contemplative books. Just reading the titles is a help. Fears wash through my body too, mixing with jet lag and a cold.