Fred Meyer's was a joyful zoo, in anticipation of the Superbowl certainly, but also for the fact of new facilities coming on-line. This complete overhaul, while allowing uninterrupted shopping, has been quite the puzzle and saga, with whole sections of shelves shifting around very like the staircases at Hogwarts, then this sushi train out of the blue.
I met Peg and Ron Marson, shopping for a different party. I also chatted with mom by cell, and left voicemail with Anna Roys in Alaska about meeting Wanderers later this month (my initial connection to Koreducators).
Our evening was spent with Bridge City Friends in their new Vancouver digs.
Steve is moving ahead with storyboards for Tanzania, involving some J. Baldwin inspired domes, other models, with some link to neurosurgery (he's sending more details).
Larry let me pull up my latest movie review on his new Google Phone with T-mobile.
Karla (pseudonym) and I discussed identity theft and the witness protection program.
Tom Head had recently attended some events with Paul Krugman, the Princeton economist, which set me 'n Jeff to yakking loudly about our alma mater, his being the grad school. John Nash is another famous Princetonian and Nobel Prize winner.
The clerk tapped me for leading some Adult Education event on the 22nd.
I thought about Dawn a lot, our friendship.
Wayne Yarnall was able to use the newly installed ramp and get around inside the house. He had a real shiner (black eye) from having pitched out of his motorized wheel chair on a surprisingly convex piece of roadwork. He doesn't remember landing on his face. The EMTs were there within minutes.
All this time, the Superbowl was showing in the media room, right down to its thrilling conclusion. Tara and I decided to side with "the red people" (Arizona), though it's not like we have anything against Pittsburgh. Anyway, we lost.
Pat expressed some skepticism that our brutish football watching behavior was ethnically appropriate. I suggested it was AVP, which seemed to get some agreement.