I grabbed
Jasper Johns, a view cube overlooking SE Grand, right across from
Dr. Jekyll,
Ishmael to his rear,
Ingres to mine. That must be the "fictional characters" aisle across the way, "painters" my theme. They address cubes by theme/subject here @ CubeSpace.

But my first task of the day was to lug polyhedra, laptop, speakers, projector, Ethernet cable, paperwork, to PSU for the
sa: class,
unit 4 of 5, giving Nick a lift in the process. Today we covered the MVC design pattern, using our "cave painting" delegates: Vector, Edge and Polyhedron classes for a Model,
VPython and
POV-Ray for Views, naked
Python for the Controller (M = Model; V = View; C = Controller).
Jennifer used the time alone to surf the net, took off about the time I got back, perhaps to rendezvous around dinner, maybe OMSI tomorrow? She's from Miami, thinking to relocate to either Portland, Seattle or the Bay Area.
Now at Barcamp, I'm awaiting the
Python Meetup while taking photos of some prototype
XOs. This is the first time I've been this up close and personal with these machines. They're smaller than I'd expected, but that doesn't detract from their attractiveness.

Knitting (the activity with needles and yarn) seems in, as a unisex activity. Bagels and tacos with fixin's, coffee and sodas for drinking. And Bubble Tea: pretty sweet, and I forgot to ask for tapioca balls with my first one (an error since rectified).

The geeks are cramming into rooms, earnest, polite, and serious, trying to make intelligent use of their limited time. Networking skills aren't among the easiest to develop. Stay relaxed and enjoy real time visits with your peers, is my advice.