"My left or your left?" marks the beginning of a confusion potentially without end.
Wednesday, May 29, 2024
"My left or your left?" marks the beginning of a confusion potentially without end.
Wednesday, May 22, 2024
Ancient Egypt still exists, although I haven't defined exactly what that means. I won't have to. The point is where it exists: in the matrix, by which I mean our shared language, a public project.
In hitting the keys, as of a piano, I somewhat expect "Ancient Egypt" to prove evocative: of hieroglyphics, of sphinxes, of pyramids... of mummies. That's all encoded in the music, as it were. On the other hand, you might be new to English and not have all those associations, which is fine. Ancient Egypt still exists.
The USA still exists, of course it does.
I seem to traffic in some nonsense wherein the word-meaning trajectories of all these words have undergone some tortuous twisted changes, or are about to.
How could I deviate from the standard predictable mush and expect to be understood? One doesn't just proclaim the non-existence of what's clearly real, and expect to make a dent, does one?
But then let's remember, debates about existence are already prevalent in what we call "academic circles" (more or less arcane) and even when they're not, we take them for granted. That people would debate whether "God exists" is not questioned. Clearly these debates occur.
"God" has a word-meaning trajectory in the matrix, and a spin, like the Higgs boson of zero spin.
Ancient Egypt still exists.
In literature, we cordon off some sandbox areas wherein authors are allowed to experiment. If we like their results, we cast some limelight in their direction, send sparks of fame and glory, maybe igniting something. Others will copy, if able, wherever success is to be found.
James Joyce, Thomas Pynchon... David Foster Wallace... Octavia Butler... am I planning to list all the writers that have twisted the language around? ... Buckminster Fuller... No, I'm not into making long lists. Leave that to computers.
My typical notation is [e0, e1, e2... eN], like in a math book, where "e" is for "element" and we have left-to-right indexing, entirely conventional however quasi-universal.
It's just that when nation-states join the mush between our ears, trapped in some deep-learning mesh of the neuronal maze, as popularized brain science would have it, then it's easier to see how they evoke a performance, our shared theater (the T in PATH: Philosophy Anthropology... History). They live in dreams, in iconography and prompt our gestures, our salutes.
The almost 200 nations (196?) are a part of that model UN people still carry around internally, along with childhood memories of classroom globes, and jigsaw puzzle nations no one agrees on any longer, when it comes to the details.
Pointing to Ukraine is hardly a trivial exercise these days, except in one's personal workspace, where you get your own globe, and set of magic markers.
Believe what you like in your rubber room reality. It's your model. Feel free to actively infer with it.
Monday, May 13, 2024
More Lore
A way Masons got "perpetuated" (regenerated?) around Portland is a couple brothers started a successful brewpub empire that gradually came to include theaters and hotels (all connected to breweries).McMenamins. They have a strong iconic look and feel owing to incorporating lots of symbols, so feels kinda Masonic. Then they actually bought a Grand Lodge retirement home for Masons (in the old days) and converted it into one of their brewpub hotels (a whole campus, room for small golf course etc.). But they preserved the Masonic heritage, with paintings and plaques and so on, bringing it forward one could say.McMenamins is entirely a commercial business and not Masonic or anything, but it shows how momentum is preserved, if you know what I mean. Mixed into their symbols is the Grateful Dead stuff. Jerry Garcia et al. A powerful mix. Helps make Portland what it is (the brand is so successful the brewpubs have spread to adjoining Washington state, as well as all over western Oregon).
Lifting text from one of my memos:
Proponents of the ethno-state consider ethnicity a basis of a sense of national unity, kind of like those Europeans who saw the New World as a future utopia for Christian palefaces such as themselves. “We shall make of these newly forming United States, a Christian nation.”
However these religious zealots were frustrated from the beginning, by Freemasons such as George Washington, other founding fathers, who had no interest in expanding the authority of the church, any church, within their version of USA OS.
Their motherboard circuit design was based on the principle of E Pluribus Unum (hence the “unum state”) and the ideal that no one ethnicity (no Aryans, no Caucasians, no Christians, no Ivy Leaguers…) need be uber alles. Dynamical systems theory would apply (what some people call Chaos — a branch of math). We’d surrender to the Ouija Board in a way.
Again on Telegram:
I don't think the Masons make a big deal of the compass in their logo being set to 60 degrees, in contrast to the "square" (right angle device) it subtends (overlays). Fuller's angle vs frequency distinction seems embedded in the sense that angles are primitive timeless sizeless whereas once you assign a size (scale) you get time/size i.e. frequency i.e. energy involvement. Their G stands for God but also for Geometry according to Wikipedia. Too rich a symbolry to just leave on the shelf.
But is it so, that the compass is set to 60 degrees? "Compasses" is plural in Masonic lore. The whole point of the compass, as a tool, is its angle is variable. Perhaps it's set at 36 degrees some of the time, suggesting a bridge to five-fold symmetry.