Perhaps energy content would be the better interpretation. The desserts pack it in.
The rhombic triacontahedron comes in three portion sizes. We could do portion sizes for more of the others but this menu is designed to stay short.
2F means 2-frequency i.e. all edges doubled in size compared to the cube of volume 3.
A,B,T (1/24)
Mites (1/8)
Sytes (1/4)
Kites (1/2)
Tetrahedron (1)
Dual Tetrahedron (1)
Cube Combo (3)
First Course
Cube (3)
Dual Octahedron (4)
Rhombic Dodecahedron Combo (6)
Second Course
Icosahedron (5 Φ2 √2)
Dual Pentagonal Dodecahedron ((Φ2 + 1) 3√2)
Rhombic Triacontahedron Combo (5, 5+, 7.5, 15√2)
Cuboctahedron (20)
2F Cube (24)

in a zonohedral dissection of the
truncated 2F rhombic dodecahedron (45)
by David Koski using vZome
with square and non-regular hexagonal facets,
tetravolume 45, different viewing angle from above
(a vZome by Koski)
tetravolume 45, different viewing angle from above
(a vZome by Koski)